
> Realistically, that is not how we operate. Somebody opens a ticket, works on
> it, and then posts the result for review. I have found quite a number of
> random failures on the buildbot (tagged by the random_fail keyword:
> http://trac.sagemath.org/query?keywords=~random_fail) and nobody jumped in
> to fix them for me. That doesn't mean that we live under the dictatorship of
> those who step up to the plate and hammer out a proposal for review.

Trac tickets and comments, however, are public. Thus, among the many
good questions raised by Thierry which deserve an answer, I am also
interested by the answer to the following question:

I consider myself as a Sage developer, i have never heard about this
initiative before. Could you please tell us more about the context, e.g.
 - who is on the short list ?
 - with which motivation ?
 - which concrete examples in mind ?

Thanks for your answer,


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