
I wish you the best with a European grant based on Sage. Don't forget 
Singular! (Flint and MPIR are also European, but these might be too low 
level for your interests, I don't know.)

The key to success with these European grants, I have been led to believe 
(by people who have gotten them and who have applied), is demonstrating 
that you have a strong network of interested individuals willing to 
participate in the project, and who will directly benefit from doing so. 
It's not the only key, but an important one.

Now I will add my 2c worth. And bear in mind this is coming from someone 
who doesn't contribute to Sage directly, and who only recently began doing 
computer algebra proper.

One of the biggest things European software projects like Pari, Gap, 
Singular need is contributions. I congratulate Peter Bruin on announcing 
that he is writing a power series module for Sage based on Pari instead of 
on polynomials. However, in a project like that, I hope that when some 
functionality (mathematical or otherwise) is perceived to be missing from 
Pari, that it will be contributed *to the Pari project directly*. And I 
don't mean as a set of Sage build patches or bug reports. I mean as a set 
of Pari contributions, to their code base, in their coding style, instead 
of writing more code in Sage directly!

Why is this important? Because otherwise you would be taking European money 
and using it to fund a project which originated in the US (I think it fair 
to call it a US project). It does not enrich European software to be 
developing Sage. This is crucial from the point of view of referees, in my 
opinion (again, please bear in mind this is my own personal opinion, and 
doesn't necessarily reflect the opinion of anyone else I have anything to 
do with).

Another thing to consider in such a proposal is building bridges between 
such projects. At present, some of the projects I've mentioned would 
desperately like to be in a wider Europe-wide collaboration (that is my 
understanding, anyway). But a bridge needs to be built between the 
projects, both technologically and cooperatively, in order to achieve this. 
Both desperately need funding and competent engineers to do the work!

I don't personally see Sage as an ideal vehicle for this because its needs 
are strongly biased towards other things. But I wish you all the best with 
such an endeavour. 

By the way, I don't think Sage is a bandwagon in Europe any longer. It has 
pockets of strong support, especially in education in France. The fact that 
it is Free certainly appeals to the European sense of human rights, open 
access, fairness, liberty, respect for all persons, etc. But these points 
only help push a proposal over the line. They don't constitute the core 
thrust of such a proposal.

Please talk to people running projects locally here in Europe, because you 
apparently aren't the only one with the same idea at this time. And please 
try to view this from the perspective of developers working in those 
projects. They have no interest whatsoever in contracts expire for working 
on their respective projects and being rehired to work on Sage itself. Any 
such proposal should be geared towards benefiting those European software 
projects directly and improving the (dire) state of affairs here in Europe.

Sage has some great things going for it. It provides an interface to 
numerous Open Source projects that otherwise don't and can't talk to each 
other (I mean technologically). As a glue, Sage is awesome.

Sage is also great in that it maintains interfaces to numerous projects 
with the *same* functionality. This makes it possible to compare results 
from different projects, or to get results from a different project if your 
preferred system has a problem. Or naturally, if the computation you want 
is too slow in one system, you can ask another system. 

But Sage alone doesn't solve the bridge problem. The component projects are 
still no more connected than they were before. A Singular user can no more 
talk to Gap or Pari than they could before. The only beneficiaries are Sage 

Furthermore, Sage is a cobbled inconsistent mess, precisely because of all 
the differing conventions in these projects. Assumptions in one system may 
not be the same in another, and input/output will be presented in differing 
ways. Exceptions are handled inconsistently. And most importantly, there 
may not even be mathematical consistency.

Remember, Europeans absolutely love coming up with standards! (Not that 
they are very good at it. :-()

This is all to say nothing of the glaring problems, such as the lack of 
Windows 64 support in such systems or indeed Sage. There are difficulties 
in finding which files are involved in implementing a given algorithm (the 
easiest way I know in Sage is to run the algorithms in a loop and press 
CTRL-C to get a stack trace!!). There is a lack of documentation on what 
algorithms are implemented, what their complexities are, or references. 
Some projects are not threadsafe. Testing is lacking and quite a bit of 
stuff just doesn't work and never did. And there is a general lack of 
credit given to individual developers in Europe by their own projects. Most 
importantly there is a culture of not giving appropriate academic credit to 
individuals who have made significant contributions to writing mathematical 

I don't see that Sage has contributed to fixing a single one of these hard 

That's my 2c worth. The idea of mounting a campaign to get sustained 
European funding for European mathematical software is a good one which I 
fully support. But please let's leverage the incredibly strong expertise 
and experience that exists in Europe to actually deal with the hard 
problems of mathematical software. 

Again, best of luck with your proposal! I think it is a great idea if 
executed well.


On Thursday, 28 August 2014 22:22:32 UTC+2, Nicolas M. Thiéry wrote:
>         Hi! 
> For whatever two cents it's worth, here is my modest analysis of the 
> situation and how I'll try to contribute to tackle this. 
> I am using the same metric as William: is Sage becoming a viable 
> alternative to XXX. However, by this, I don't mean that it should 
> completely take over the niche and bring its competitor to bankruptcy. 
> Nor even that it should take over a large proportion of the 
> niche. Just that Sage shall be good enough for most users in the niche 
> to have the real choice to use it. Or to use something else. 
> To this respect, I think Sage is doing quite well. For example, many 
> universities in France are progressively switching to Sage, both for 
> research and education. Better, our national competition that recruits 
> math teachers for high schools -- whose training include some non 
> trivial computer algebra -- have recently ruled out non open source 
> software for its oral exams, when they used to be mostly 
> Maple/Mathematica/Matlab based. Maybe our book [1] contributed a tiny 
> bit to this. At least, it's by writing it that we convinced ourselves 
> that Sage was already a non perfect but viable alternative for 
> education. 
> Maybe this difference of appreciation with William just stems from 
> different expectations. I can understand William's frustration that 
> things are not going as fast as he would have dreamed it to be. Yet, 
> nine years ago, when I read the Sage mission statement, I thought it 
> was extraordinary bold. In fact, from past experience, I was 
> originally giving peanuts to Sage's success, and I thought that 
> William had no idea of the difficulty of the endeavor. Well, ever 
> since then, I have been super glad to have been proven wrong :-) And 
> even though I am often frustrated that things are going slow, I am 
> neither surprised nor disappointed. 
> Altogether, the development model, developed by users for users, is 
> mostly doing the job. However there are some areas that have been 
> mentioned here (packaging&distribution, documentation, notebook, 
> graphics, ...) that are lagging behind because it's too technical to 
> do be taken care of as a side product of the daily job of users. 
> To get around this, I believe we need to externalize as much as we can 
> to larger communities (e.g. transition quickly from the Sage notebook 
> to the IPython notebook, use pip, ...) *and* find funding for a few 
> full-time developers. 
> William believes in SMC to drive in such funding. I am not necessarily 
> convinced by some aspects of the strategy, but I am glad he is 
> exploring this potential opportunity. The situation is complicated, 
> and we don't know for sure what's the right approach; probably there 
> are several complementary ones. Anyone with a vision should just try 
> hard and follow his beliefs. 
> On my side, I am going to coordinate a European grant application 
> (submission: January 2015) around the Sage ecosystem (including GAP, 
> Pari, ...), with main goal to fund a couple full time devs over the 
> next few years: 
> I have honestly no idea of the odds of success. Probably low, although 
> we do fit quite well within the call; riding the open wave is 
> fashionable these days. So let's just be bold. The other challenge 
> will be to find good candidates for such developer positions. 
> If you'd be interested in participating, please get in touch and 
> join. If you'd be potentially interested in becoming a full time Sage 
> dev in Europe (or associated country) for a couple years, please 
> contact me as well. 
> For information: we will have a preparatory meeting for this grant 
> application on September 8-9th in Orsay. Feel free to join. 
> Cheers, 
>                                 Nicolas 
> [1] 
> PS for William: please be super careful with wording. Referees of 
> grant applications will look around to access the value of Sage and 
> its chances of success. 
> -- 
> Nicolas M. Thiéry "Isil" < <javascript:>> 

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