A number of people are working on transitioning Sage to git (see #13015),
and the meaning of spkg will likely change dramatically in a way that
affects 2 and 3.
In particular, spkg install scripts for both standard and optional spkgs
will be included in the sage repository, as will pointers to upstream
tarballs (these tarballs will be included in sage for standard spkgs, and
we'll include a url where they can be downloaded for optional spkgs).  This
should make it much easier to create and install optional spkgs.

On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 2:50 AM, mmarco <mma...@unizar.es> wrote:

> One of the complains i have heard from my colleagues that use sage
> (and i have noticed myself) is the lack of certain gap packages in the
> sage distribution.  There is an spkg with some of them, but most are
> missing. Also, it is not easy to find documentation on how to install
> gap packages in the sage installation. I propose some possible
> solutions for that (not necesarily exclusive):
> 1) increase the amount of gap packages in the gap_packages spkg
> 2) Do some extra spkg's, maybe one for each gap package?
> 3) Related with the previous one: write some quick guide on how to
> make those extra spkg's, and add it to the documetation (maybe tthe
> wiki would be a good place for that). I know there is a chapter on the
> developement guide about spkg's, but in this case i mean something
> like an easy step-by-step guide. This could be useful for people that
> want to add a certain gap package, and also their effort can be reused
> if those packages are collected somewhere.
> 4) Just write some documentation on how to install gap packages by
> hand.
> I can volunteer for both options 2 or 3 (and maybe 4, although i am
> sure there are some people that would do much better than me), but i
> would like to know what people think first.
> --
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