On May 31, 2:56 pm, Henryk Trappmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 31, 10:55 pm, Carl Witty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > IMHO, giving a+b the precision of the less-precise operand is better
> > than using the more-precise operand, because the latter has too much
> > chance of confusing people who don't understand floating point.  For
> > instance, if 1.3+RealField(500)(pi) gave a 500-bit number, I'll bet a
> > lot of people would assume that this number matched 13/10+pi to almost
> > 500 bits.
> Hm, yes, but this binary decimal conversion is another topic, I mean
> nobody would assume that 0.3333333 coerced to 500 *decimal* digits
> matches 1/3 to 500 digits? I anyway wondered why one can not specify a
> base in RealField, or did I merely overlook the opportunity?

Oh, that would be very cool!

Probably the basic reason is that RealField is based on MPFR, and MPFR
operates in binary.

Also, specifying a base, and doing it "right" (so that floating-point
results were correctly rounded to values of the specified number of
digits in that base) would probably be much slower in non-power-of-2
bases (at least I can't think how to do the basic operations as
quickly as in binary).

> > Of course, maybe there are other choices that are better than either
> > of these.  We could throw away RealField and always use
> > RealIntervalField instead; but that's slower, has less special
> > functions implemented, and has counterintuitive semantics for
> > comparisons.  We could do pseudo-interval arithmetic, and say that
> > 1e6+R2(3) should be a 20-bit number, because we know about 20 bits of
> > the answer; but to be consistent, we should do similar psuedo-interval
> > arithmetic even if both operands are the same precision,
> At least RR would then be a ring ;)

Well, I just made up this pseudo-interval arithmetic, so I'm not sure
what the exact rules might be, but the rules I was envisioning would
not suffice to make RR a ring.

> > and then RR
> > becomes less useful for people who do understand how floating point
> > works and want to take advantage of it.
> Ya, I dont want to change floating point, it just seems somewhat
> arbitrary to me to coerce down precision, while coercing up precision
> with integers. Of course if you consider integer with precision
> infinity (as indeed there are no rounding errors and it is an exact
> ring) then this makes sense again.

Here's another way to see that this might be the right thing to do.
Consider the sum of the power series (1 + O(x^5)) and (1 + O(x^6)).
Clearly, the sum should be (2 + O(x^5)), not (2+ O(x^6)) -- that is,
we are effectively "rounding" (1 + O(x^6)) to (1 + O(x^5)) before we
perform the addition.

> But if so then I want to have something like SymbolicNumber which is
> the subset of SymbolicRing that does not contain variables. And that
> this SymbolicNumber is coerced automatically down when used with
> RealField.

That would be nice, but as Gary points out, it would be difficult to
make Sage work like this.

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