On Jun 3, 2008, at 11:17 AM, Gary Furnish wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 12:11 PM, Robert Bradshaw
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Jun 3, 2008, at 11:06 AM, Gary Furnish wrote:
>>> I think we had a discussion on irc about how homsets still got used
>>> for determining the result of something in parent1 op something in
>>> parent2 (maybe it was with someone else?)
>> I sure hope not. If so, that needs to change (but I'm pretty sure it
>> isn't).
> Well allegedly there is some function that computes what parent
> something is in if you have parent1 op parentt2 that is new in this
> system (but I can't find said function).  Allegedly said function has
> to use Homsets, so performance is going to be horrible(and this makes
> sense, because its what I have to use now).

When a new morphism is created it needs a parent, which is a Homset  
that may be looked up/created at that time. This is probably what you  
are talking about. However, this is a single (tiny) constant overhead  
over the entire runtime of Sage. I'm sure this could be further  
optimized, but creating all the homsets ZZ -> QQ -> RR -> CC, etc.  
will be done long before any symbolic code gets hit.

> I consider homsets to be
> a gigantic flaw in coercion that absolutely have to be fixed for me to
> consider using more of the coercion system in symbolics.

Ironically, other people see it as a plus that coercion has been  
given a more categorical founding.

>>> I'm also -1 for hard-coding
>>> knowledge and logic about ZZ,QQ, etc into the coercion model.  I  
>>> am +1
>>> for hardcoding it into the elements of say, ZZ,QQ,RR and then having
>>> them call the coercion model only if those hardcodes can't figure  
>>> the
>>> situation out.
>> That sounds much better, though I'm still not a fan.
> Sure, its kindof ugly, but it will give us the performance we need,
> and I don't see a better way to allow us to use coercions all over the
> place without having performance drop to 0.

One may be able to eek out a bit more performance by doing this, but  
it's not as if performance is awful in the current model.

- Robert

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