On Jun 3, 2008, at 7:13 AM, Gary Furnish wrote:

>>> As long as there are classes in pure python that use MI on the
>>> critical path that symbolics has to use, the argument that coercion
>>> was written to be fast makes no sense to me.
>> Not sure what you mean by "MI" here, could you explain. In any case,
>> just because coercion isn't as fast as it could be doesn't mean that
>> it's not written for speed and much faster than it used to be. Of
>> course there's room for improvement, but right now the focus is
>> trying to finish the new system (which isn't really that "new"
>> compared to the change made a year ago) in place.
> Sets, and in particular a bunch of the category functionality (homset)
> get used in coercion, and use MI, making them impossible to cythonize.

Ah, yes. Homsets. They're not used anywhere in the critical path  
though. (If so, that should be fixed.)


>>>> 2) I personally don't like having to sprinkle the "expand" and  
>>>> and/or
>>>> "simplify" all over the place. Now I don't think symbolics  
>>>> should be
>>>> expanded automatically, but stuff like (1+sqrt(2))^2 should be or
>>>> 1/(1
>>>> +i). It's like just getting the question back. (I guess I'm  
>>>> revealing
>>>> my bias that I don't think of it as living in SR, but rather a  
>>>> number
>>>> field...) On that note, I can't even figure out how to do simplify
>>>> "(sqrt(2)-3)/(sqrt(2)-1)" in the symbolics...as opposed to
>>>> sage: K.<sqrt2> = NumberField(x^2-2)
>>>> sage: (sqrt2-3)/(sqrt2-1)
>>>> -2*sqrt2 - 1
>>>> sage: 1/(sqrt2-1)
>>>> sqrt2 + 1
>>> Your going to have a hard time convincing me that the default  
>>> behavior
>>> in Mathematica and Maple is wrong.  This makes sense for number  
>>> theory
>>> but not for people using calculus.
>> OK, this is a valid point, though the non-calculus portions (and
>> emphasis) of Sage are (relatively) more significant. Sage is not a
>> CAS, that is just one (important) piece of it.
>> Maple does
>>> 1/(1+I);
>>                                   1/2 - 1/2 I
> I somewhat ignored (1/1+i) (I agree there is an obvious
> simplification), but (x+1)^2 shouldn't get simplified under any
> circumstances.  This has (little) do with speed (for this small of
> exponent) and everything to do with being consistent with the high
> degree cases and keeping expressions uncluttered.

I agree that (x+1)^2 shouldn't get simplified, but for me this has a  
very different feel than (1+I)^2 or (1+sqrt(2))^2.

>> at least. Looking to the M's for ideas is good, but they should not
>> always dictate how we do things--none but Magma has the concept of
>> parents/elements, and Sage uses a very OO model which differs from
>> all of them. Why doesn't it make sense for Mathematica/Maple? I think
>> it's because they view simplification (or even deciding to simplify)
>> as expensive.
>>>> 3) The coercion system works best when things start as high up the
>>>> tree as they can, and the Symbolic Ring is like the big black  
>>>> hole at
>>>> the bottom that sucks everything in (and makes it slow). There is a
>>>> coercion from ZZ[sqrt(2)] (with embedding) to SR, but not the other
>>>> way around, and even trying to cast the other way is  
>>>> problematic. I'd
>>>> rather that matrix([1, 1/2, 0, sqrt(2)]) land in a matrix space  
>>>> over
>>>> the a number field (rather than over SR), and ZZ['x'].gen() +  
>>>> sqrt(2)
>>>> be an actual polynomial in x. Also, the SR, though very useful,
>>>> somehow seems less rigorous (I'm sure that this is improving).
>>> When coercion is faster we can consider changing this.
>> Coercion speed is irrelevant to the issues I mentioned here... and as
>> coercion+number fields is *currently* faster than what you could hope
>> to get with SR (the examples above all involve coercion) it wouldn't
>> help your case either.
> Only for the sqrt case, and I'm willing to work with that (provided
> that for endusers, sum(sqrt(p)) behaves as expected.

n-th root would have a similar speed increase, but other than those  
two cases I don't see one wanting algebraic extensions (short of  
explicitly making a number field).

>>> My definition
>>> of fast is "<10 cycles if the parents are the same,
>> Python semantics tie our hands a bit here, but I think we're about as
>> close as we can get.
>>> no dictionary lookups if one parent is in the other for all common
>>> cases,
>> Would this mean hard-coding all common paths? Currently there is a
>> single dictionary lookup for common cases (and not a Python dict).
> Common cases should be no more then a virtual call and a few if
> statements away (and not a bunch of virtual calls either.  They cost
> performance too.  No more then one should be necessary for the common
> case (the code to handle this can probably go in the
> addition/multiplication handlers)).  Then if that fails we can take
> the cached dict lookup route.  Make the common case fast at the
> expense of the uncommon case.

I am -1 for hard-coding knowledge and logic about ZZ, QQ, RR, RDF,  
CC, CDF, ... into the coercion model.

>>> otherwise reasonablely quick pure Cython code.
>> Yes, it should be fast, but only has to be done once and then it's
>> cached. Of course the code specific to the ring/elements is as fast
>> or slow as whoever wrote it.
> Sets should not be in python because of homsets!
>>> New and old coercion fail these
>>> tests of sufficiently quick, and I'm not waiting to finish symbolics
>>> until they do pass those tests.
>> Thanks for your concise definition--if you have any input of how to
>> make things faster without hard-coding tons of special cases I'd be
>> very glad to hear (though the current focus is getting things merged
>> back into the main sage branch before we focus on optimization  
>> again).
> Sometimes hardcoding special cases is the only way to do things fast.
> It is more important for coercion to be fast (especially if we are
> using it internally in algorithms) then for it to be pretty (although
> it can still be designed in a mathematically rigorous way, the code
> that actually implements it may not be pretty)
>>> My alternative option is lets throw in a flag, defaults to off
>>> (current behavior) that lets you turn on sqrt/powers as in number
>>> theory by default instead of SR.  This makes the code perform as
>>> expected by end users, and advanced users can use number fields if
>>> they know they are appropriate.  This is just largely a one if
>>> statement change in the dispatch of sqrt so this should be  
>>> reasonably
>>> safe.
>> "Perform as expected" is what we disagree on, though I'd call us both
>> end- and advanced users. I generally dislike the idea of flags the
>> user sets that change behavior, but it's an option to consider.
> The average calculus student coming from maple is not going to
> understand why he can't perform a sum of the sqrt of some primes.  If
> we are to be a viable alternative for non-research mathematicians we
> can't run off and implement things that drastically change the
> complexity of simple operations.

If we can change the complexity for the better we should. It's a  
tradeoff of speed for code with a small number of radicals vs. speed  
with a large number of radicals.

- Robert

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