> But if so then I want to have something like SymbolicNumber which is
> the subset of SymbolicRing that does not contain variables. And that
> this SymbolicNumber is coerced automatically down when used with
> RealField.

There are really, really severe issues with coercion out of the
SymbolicRing because of assumptions that are made by the coercion
system.  If this was allowed, one could end up with situations where
the code would try to coerce complex numbers into RR, and this should
not be allowed.  I'm well aware this is not ideal, it is just that my
hands are largely tied by the coercion system.  I'd like to find a
better answer here (and this really becomes less of an issue with the
more advanced features in the new symbolics system I'm working on),
but this is a long term project to get coercion out of SR working.

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