On Apr 24, 12:14 am, mark mcclure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 23, 6:10 pm, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> dortmund.de> wrote:
> > for whatever reason there is no Singular in your build log. Right at
> > the top it says:
> > ...
> > Could you check if spkg/standard contains any file called
> > singular-3-0-4-2-20080405.p1.spkg, i.e:
> No, there's not. Strangely, there's a file called:
> singular-3-0-4-2-20080405.p1.sp
> The trailing kg is missing. Should I simply change the
> name and try again?
Yes. Run make, then a "sage -b". If Sage starts up all ought be be
fixed. If not run a "sage -ba"
I am thinking on how to fix the issue that "make" doesn't crap out on
us like that. You have certainly hit an odd bug to say the least.
> Mark
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