On Apr 24, 2:22 am, mark mcclure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 23, 6:24 pm, mark mcclure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Mark,

> make; followed by "sage -ba" seems to have done the trick.  Everything
> seems to be working great and "./sage -testall" passed all tests.
> I've got a working G5 binary built on OS X 10.4.11 now.  I'm happy to
> distribute, if necessary, but I really have no clue how.

Good. I think somebody else got binaries by now, but since William is
missing in action and I haven't paid attention to the binary problem
none is up on the website.

> > Incidentally, I unpacked the original .tar file containing the
> > source.  The full file 'singular-3-0-4-2-20080405.p1.spkg' is
> > most certainly there.  How the kg got cut off, I have no clue.
> Examining the filenames in spkg/standard, I find that
> 'singular-3-0-4-2-20080405.p1.spkg' is the longest by two
> characters.  Conspicuous. :)

Yes, but quite interesting. "singular-3-0-4-2-20080405.p1.sp" is 32
characters long. What file system are you on? How did you unpack the
tar file? I would rather expect the utility used to uncompress the tar
archive to be buggy. My Pre-OSX Mac-Fu is a little rusty, but IIRC
even then the filesystem didn't have a 32 bit char file name limit.

> Thanks a lot for the help,
> Mark


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