On Apr 23, 2008, at 10:06 AM, William Stein wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 10:03 AM, Robert Bradshaw
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  Are their binaries for OS X 10.4?
> NO.  And there won't be until somebody volunteers to make them.  See
> my long email about this a few minutes ago in Sage-support.
> Can you make them?

Yes, do I just build and do sage -bdist?

>>  On Apr 23, 2008, at 4:58 AM, mabshoff wrote:
>>> [Note: If you are interested in announcements only please  
>>> subscribe to
>>> sage-announce. It is limited to roughly one email every ten days.]
>>> Hello folks,
>>> Sage 3.0 has been released on April 21st, 2008. It is available at
>>>            http://sagemath.org/download.html
>>> * About Sage (http://www.sagemath.org)
>>> Sage is developed by volunteers and combines 71 open source  
>>> packages.
>>> It is available for download from sagemath.org and its mirrors in
>>> source or binary form. If you have any questions and/or problems
>>> please report them to the google groups sage-devel or sage-support.
>>> You can also drop by in #sage-devel or #sage-support in freenode.
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>> -
>>> The following 48 people contributed to this release:
>>>  * Tim Abbott
>>>  * Michael Abshoff
>>>  * Martin Albrecht
>>>  * Nick Alexander
>>>  * Tom Boothby
>>>  * Robert Bradshaw
>>>  * Jason Brandlow
>>>  * Michael Brickenstein
>>>  * Dan Bump
>>>  * Craig Citro
>>>  * Ondrej Certik
>>>  * Timothy Clemans
>>>  * John Cremona
>>>  * Didier Deshommes
>>>  * Nathan Dunfield
>>>  * Dan Drake
>>>  * Alexander Dreyer
>>>  * Burin Erocal
>>>  * Gary Furnish
>>>  * Alex Ghitza
>>>  * Andrzej Giniewicz
>>>  * Jason Grout
>>>  * Marshall Hampton
>>>  * Mike Hansen
>>>  * David Harvey
>>>  * Geert Heldager Nielsen
>>>  * David Joyner
>>>  * Michael Kallweit
>>>  * Josh Kantor
>>>  * Simon King
>>>  * Emily Kirkman
>>>  * Robert Miller
>>>  * Minh Nguyen
>>>  * Willem Jan Palenstijn
>>>  * Clement Pernet
>>>  * Steffan Reidt
>>>  * David Roe
>>>  * Ryan Hinton
>>>  * Anne Schilling
>>>  * Harald Schilly
>>>  * William Stein
>>>  * Chris Swierczewski
>>>  * Nicolas Thiery
>>>  * Gonzalo Tornaria
>>>  * John Voight
>>>  * Yi Qiang
>>>  * Justin Walker
>>>  * Carl Witty
>>> Cheers,
>>> Binaries are available on the mirrors!
>>> Michael Abshoff (release chair), William Stein
>>> * Major Features, New Spkgs and Bugfixes
>>>  * Random Numbers
>>>  * GCC 4.3 Support
>>>  * New Default Binaries
>>>  * Boolean Polynomials
>>>  * Modular Abelian Varieties
>>>  * Increased Doctest Coverage
>>>  * R Pexpect Interface
>>>  * Crystals
>>>  * Laurent Polynomials
>>> For details see the Sage 3.0 Release Tour at
>>>   http://wiki.sagemath.org/sage-3.0
>>> * Known Issues with 3.0:
>>>  #2983: Singular interface problems in matrix_group.py on
>>>         Itanium/Linux: We see a segfault in the doctest and
>>>         will hopefully fix this in 3.0.1.
>>>  #2985: rubik.py's OptimalSolver() problem on Itanium/Linux:
>>>         the doctest also segfaults with the "-long" option.
>>>         This will hopefully be fixed in 3.0.1.
>>> * Bug Statistics
>>> We closed a record number of 277 tickets. For details see
>>>    http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/milestone/sage-3.0
>>> or check out the closed ticket section at the end of the
>>> announcement.
>>> * Upcoming Releases
>>> The next release will be 3.0.1, chaired by Michael Abshoff.
>>> The release is planned in about a week. It will be mostly a
>>> bug fix release to clear up issues from the 3.0 release.
>>> * Doctesting Coverage
>>> For 2.11 we had:
>>> Overall weighted coverage score:  48.9%
>>> Total number of functions:  18853
>>> We increased coverage by 2.6% in 3.0 while adding 661 functions:
>>> Overall weighted coverage score:  51.5%
>>> Total number of functions:  19514
>>> * Closed Tickets:
>>> Merged in final:
>>> #2979: Michael Abshoff, Andrzej Giniewicz: force "-O0" for
>>>        clisp with gcc 4.3
>>> #2987: Tim Abbott: Debian build support for zn_poly
>>> #2988: William Stein: notebook -- issues with the CSS for the
>>>        print display
>>> #2989: William Stein: notebook -- issue with how the notebook
>>>        is run that breaks it sometimes; also fix a typo in pid.
>>> #2990: William Stein: sage-3.0.rc1: calculus/functions.py
>>>        segfault on debian64 xeon vmware image
>>> #2991: William Stein: fix dsage testdoc problem
>>> #2994: Michael Abshoff: polybori.spkg - fix permission issue
>>>        of the headers
>>> Merged in rc1:
>>> #2419: William Stein, Simon King: Gap interface and resultant
>>>        destroy the Singular interface on some machines
>>> #2553: Yi Qiang, William Stein: dsage unit tests fail on linux
>>> #2928: Willem Jan Palenstijn: another p-adic extension segfault
>>> #2934: William Stein: doctesting files outside of sage repo is
>>>        completely broken
>>> #2972: William Stein: libSingular related segfault in
>>>        laurent_polynomial_ring.py
>>> #2973: Michael Abshoff: RDF doctest failures on arch linux
>>> #2974: Mike Hansen: interfaces/r.py doctest failures on many
>>>        linux machines
>>> #2975: William Stein: opening ports too conservative -- breaks
>>>        on some os x systems
>>> #2977: Alex Ghitza: wronskian is broken on constants
>>> #2984: William Stein, Michael Abshoff: ITANIUM (RHEL 5) -- turn
>>>        off all unaligned access messages
>>> #2986: Gonzalo Tornaria: Add atlas pretuning for Pentium D/64
>>>        bits (ARCH=P4D64SSE3)
>>> Merged in rc0:
>>> #34: Craig Citro: Factoring for a subspace of ModularSymbols
>>>      in general
>>> #839: Harald Schilly, Mike Hansen, William Stein: R pexpect
>>>       interface
>>> #1642: William Stein: search for common Fortran compiles if
>>>        no binary is present
>>> #2344: Michael Abshoff: python -- upgrade to version 2.5.2
>>> #2955: Michael Abshoff: GFortran autodection on Linux/Itanium
>>> #2958: William Stein: twist.py -- doctest failures in
>>>        sage-3.0.alpha6 on some test machines
>>> #2959: Craig Citro: bug in DirichletGroup over a finite base
>>>        ring
>>> #2960: William Stein: remove devel/sage/sage/server1 from
>>>        sage; it's old and crufty demo code
>>> #2961: William Stein: add doctest for alarm function
>>> #2964: Dan Bump, Mike Hansen: Improvements to weyl_group.py
>>> #2965: Tim Abbott: extcode spkg build failure on Debian
>>> #2966: Tim Abbott: Debian Singular spkg upgrade
>>> #2967: Tim Abbott: Debian package lcalc spkg fixes
>>> #2968: Tim Abbott: Debian package ntl fixes
>>> #2969: Tim Abbott: Autocomputing Debian package version numbers
>>> #2970: Michael Abshoff: Permissions on spkg-debian scripts
>>> Merged in alpha6:
>>> #903: Nick Alexander, Alex Ghitza: charpoly of matrices over
>>>       number fields is ridiculously slow right now
>>> #2592: Willem Jan Palenstijn: NTL abort in Integers(125)[]
>>> #2615: Mike Hansen: compute the jordan basis together with the
>>>        jordan canonical form
>>> #2886: Mike Hansen: change an error message when Sage crashes
>>> #2895: David Roe, Mike Hansen, Jason Brandlow: add support for
>>>        Laurent polynomials in Sage
>>> #2903: David Harvey: make NTL error messages propagate to
>>>        RuntimeError messages
>>> #2933: Mike Hansen: calculus -- substitution of a dict for
>>>        SymbolicFunctionEvaluation is broken (but **kwds works)
>>> #2941: Ondrej Certik: update sympy.spkg to 0.5.13
>>> #2944: David Harvey: add E2 parameter to padic_height_via_multiply
>>> #2945: Michael Abshoff: gcc 4.3: libfplll needs small fix to
>>>        compile
>>> #2946: Willem Jan Palenstijn: bug in jordan_form
>>> #2947: Willem Jan Palenstijn: block_matrix([]) fails
>>> #2949: Mike Hansen: change slightly the docstring for assume
>>> #2951: William Stein: checkbox is not defined in interact
>>> #2953: Michael Abshoff: fix Givaro gcc 4.3 issue on Itanium
>>> #2954: Michael Abshoff: ATLAS: detection of Itanium 2 is broken
>>> Merged in alpha5:
>>> #449: Michael Abshoff: lcalc Solaris build fixes
>>> #848: Alex Ghitza: Using strings for infinity in GSL
>>> #1626: Michael Abshoff: update lcalc to 20080205, add gcc 4.3
>>>        support
>>> #1763: Alex Ghitza, Didier Deshommes: implement norms for matrices
>>> #1766: Dan Drake, Harald Schilly, Mike Hansen: enhancing latex
>>>        embedding with plots
>>> #2195: Willem Jan Palenstijn: odd Givaro-related crash in finite
>>>        fields
>>> #2219: Alex Ghitza: docs for root_field should say the polynomial
>>>        needs to be irreducible
>>> #2347: Robert Bradshaw: better parsing for symbolics
>>> #2616: Didier Deshommes: Replace all matrix.submatrix() instances
>>> #2704: Martin Albrecht: bug in lcm(a,b) for a,b polynomials in
>>>        QQ[] if a is constant
>>> #2850: Chris Swierczewski: Docstrings and doctests for permgroup.py
>>> #2851: William Stein: clean binary install of sage followed by
>>>        "sage -br" is broken
>>> #2857: Didier Deshommes: numerical_approx for matrices
>>> #2875: William Stein: notebook -- save_session is completely
>>>        brokenin the notebook
>>> #2879: John Voight: Bug fix in totallyreal_rel
>>> #2880: John Cremona: Special code for elliptic curve cardinality
>>>        for j=0 and j=1728
>>> #2901: William Stein: rewrite load_session and save_session to use
>>>        much better modern techniques (in particular merge the
>>>        notebook and non-notebook implementations)
>>> #2904: Didier Deshommes: sage/matrix/matrix_misc.py has no
>>>        copyright info
>>> #2905: Gary Furnish: Various speedups
>>> #2911: Michael Abshoff: Use "$@" instead of "$*" in sage-* local/bin
>>> #2912: Martin Albrecht: M4RI should be built with -O3
>>> #2913: William Stein: notebook -- deleting a running cell results
>>>        in a bug
>>> #2914: William Stein: integers are immutable but set_str breaks
>>>        that; having this function is a *major* bug.
>>> #2915: Mike Hansen, William Stein: bug in symbolic integration or
>>>        "stupid bug in the sage/maxima interface"?
>>> #2916: Willem Jan Palenstijn: invalid coercion between non-prime
>>>        finite fields
>>> #2917: William Stein: internal server error in notebook 3.0.alpha4
>>> #2919: Michael Abshoff: gcc 4.3: compilation issues in  
>>> partitions_c.cc
>>> #2920: Michael Abshoff: gcc 4.3: fix rubiks.spkg build
>>> #2921: Michael Abshoff: gcc 4.3: Fix flintqs.spkg build
>>> #2923: Michael Abshoff: gcc 4.3: matplotlib build fix
>>> #2924: William Stein: programming guide section on style is terrible
>>> #2925: Michael Abshoff: gcc 4.3: givaro-3.2.10.rc3 is broken
>>> #2927: Michael Abshoff: gcc 4.3: make Singular.spkg compile
>>> #2929: Michael Abshoff: gcc 4.3: fix gmp.spkg
>>> #2931: Michael Abshoff: gcc 4.3: fix linbox.spkg compilation
>>> Merged in alpha4:
>>> #1689: William Stein, Michael Abshoff: document SAGE_FORTRAN_LIB
>>> #1948: John Cremona, Alex Ghitza: K.factor_integer needs a name
>>>        change, since now it does much more
>>> #2199: Tim Abbott, Michael Abshoff: Copyright files for Debian
>>>        packages
>>> #2394: Tom Boothby: Wrap Cremona's newforms class
>>> #2590: Jason Grout: plotting a line with no points throws a
>>>        nonsensical error
>>> #2643: Tim Abbott, Michael Abshoff: Fix Debian Sections
>>> #2682: Robert Bradshaw: balanced product for generators/iterators
>>> #2780: Alex Ghitza: factorisation over number field has wrong
>>>        unit part
>>> #2814: Carl Witty: sage-3.0-alpha1 on ppc -- new randstate code
>>>        doesn't work right at all
>>> #2822: Michael Abshoff, Michael Brickenstein, Alexander Dreyer:
>>>        fix "Invalid read in libgroebner.so", fix memleak in
>>>        BoolPolyRing destructor
>>> #2833: Clement Pernet: Linbox build failure on OSX 10.4 intel
>>> #2843: Willem Jan Palenstijn, David Roe: p-adic extension segfault
>>> #2864: Dan Bump, Mike Hansen: Weyl groups are mplemented in
>>>        rootsystem.py
>>> #2865: Michael Abshoff: PolyBori fails to build on OSX 10.4 intel
>>> #2866: Yi Qiang: DSage - use tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile for unit
>>>        tests
>>> #2867: Yi Qiang: DSage - allow load_files parameter in __call__
>>> #2868: Dan Bump, Mike Hansen: Weight revision for fastcrystals
>>> #2869: Tom Boothby: Cell sizing is broken
>>> #2870: Gary Furnish: Various files poorly import calculus.py
>>> #2871: Didier Deshommes: matrix: M[range(2,-1,-1),:] returns junk
>>> #2874: Dan Bump: add tests for type E root system, correct some
>>>        misinformation in root_system.py, add Justin Walker credit
>>> #2876: Yi Qiang: sage/server/notebook/twist.py doctest fails when
>>>        dsage certificates are not present
>>> #2878: William Stein: notebook -- cython .c and .html links
>>>        should open in new links (use target="_new")
>>> #2882: Tom Boothby: resize cells on window resize
>>> #2883: Tom Boothby: notebook -- typing in safari is sluggish!
>>> #2885: William Stein: make a knoboo optional package
>>> #2887: Tom Boothby: notebook -- greatly optimize something in the
>>>        notebook by implementing a cached version of get_element
>>> #2888: Didier Deshommes: matrix slicing fails in degenerate cases
>>> #2889: William Stein: notebook -- huge output cells crash firefox
>>> #2890: William Stein: html.py --fix up documentation a little and
>>>        a small bug
>>> #2892: William Stein: notebook -- traceback shrinking/expanding
>>>        in the notebook is broken in an obscure case
>>> #2893: William Stein: notebook -- make it explicitly clear which
>>>        systems are optional
>>> #2897: David Joyner: GAP: replace guava 3.4 by new and improved
>>>        guava 3.4
>>> Merged in alpha3:
>>> #1761: Tom Boothby, Nick Alexander: Graphviz output for graphs
>>> #2242: Jason Grout: optional nauty package
>>> #2379: Gary Furnish, Michael Abshoff: Merge sage-ptest into
>>>        sage-test
>>> #2748: Dan Drake: Permutation constructor does not accept lists
>>>        of tuples
>>> #2802: Josh Kantor: Sage 3.0.alpha1: sage/misc/inline_fortran.py
>>>        doctest failure
>>> #2820: William Stein: notebook -- turn off the jsmath warning;
>>>        fix other misc polish issues and bugs resulting from #2840
>>> #2826: William Stein: notebook -- in safari, pressing enter after
>>>        showing the list of completions doesn't work. You have to
>>>        click
>>> #2834: Martin Albrecht: PyLint import cleanup for
>>>        sage.rings.polynomial
>>> #2835: Nick Alexander: primes_of_degree_one iterator for
>>>        NumberField_generic
>>> #2839: Mike Hansen: bug in conversion from symmetrica's longint
>>> #2840: William Stein: notebook -- remove ALL unused javascript
>>>        from js.py and DOCUMENT every single function
>>> #2842: Martin Albrecht: PyLint - unused variable cleanup for
>>>        sage.rings.polynomial
>>> #2844: Marshall Hampton: Polyhedral improvements, round 2
>>> #2845: Martin Albrecht: fix PolyBoRi assertion errror
>>> #2846: Robert Bradshaw: no need for bitset.h with new Cython
>>> #2847: Robert Bradshaw: more speedups to cyclotomic polynomials
>>> #2848: Michael Abshoff: numerical noise in sage/misc/prandom.py
>>>        on MacIntel OSX 10.5
>>> #2849: John Cremona, Alex Ghitza: Bug in elliptic curve
>>>        cardinality for j=0 in char. 3
>>> #2852: Tom Boothby: ctrl-enter broken in firefox/linux
>>> #2853: Dan Bump: A correction to the weight of crystal
>>>        elements for type A and a speedup for all types
>>> #2856: Martin Albrecht: PyLint unused variable cleanup for
>>>        sage.rings.polynomial - Part 2
>>> #2859: Jason Grout: arrow3d((0,0,0), (0,0,-1)) plots an
>>>        *upward* pointing arrow
>>> #2862: Michael Abshoff: Sage 3.0.alpha2: fix tex problems
>>> #2863: Dan Drake: Integer() does not specify that numbers
>>>        beginning with 0 and 0x are treated specially
>>> Merged in alpha2:
>>> #358: John Cremona: padic_height_pairing_matrix computes too
>>>       many heights
>>> #530: Martin Albrecht: leak in Matrix_integer_dense__solve_iml
>>>       exposed by matrix/strassen.pyx
>>> #2316: Yi Qiang: dsage.start_all() can leave zombie workers
>>>        around
>>> #2346: Robert Bradshaw: Sage needs a simple api for interaction
>>>        with other applications
>>> #2497: David Harvey: crash in polynomial remainder
>>> #2680: Craig Citro: Modular forms for Gamma1(N) have wrong
>>>        Sturm bound
>>> #2743: Jason Grout: make symbolic equalities and inequalities
>>>        callable
>>> #2745: Yi Qiang: upgrade twisted to 8.0.1
>>> #2772: Martin Albrecht: Update Singular to 3-0-4-2
>>> #2775: Martin Albrecht: multivariate factoring over some rings
>>>        gives incorrect results [this is a limitation of Factory,
>>>        so instead of returning an incorrect result throw an
>>>        exception]
>>> #2799: Didier Deshommes: matrix's __getitem__ doesn't respect
>>>        slice object's step attribute
>>> #2804: Clement Pernet: fix ssmod.py failure [linbox related]
>>> #2805: Emily Kirkman: Add maximal parameter to Graph genus
>>>        computation
>>> #2806: Michael Abshoff: Sage 3.0.a2: numerical noise in
>>>        sage/misc/prandom.py doctest
>>> #2807: David Harvey: line 26 of c_lib/src/interrupt.c is wrong
>>> #2808: Daniel Bump: G2 fundamental weights were the negative of
>>>        what they should be
>>> #2810: John Cremona: Use new generic code in
>>>        elliptic_curve_finite_field
>>> #2811: Michael Abshoff: make check is broken due to #2746
>>> #2812: Timothy Clemans: increase notebook.py doctests coverage
>>> #2813: Tom Boothby, William Stein: Add keycodes to split / join
>>>        cells
>>> #2815: David Joyner: add more coding theory to the reference
>>>        manua
>>> #2818: William Stein: notebook: document most functions in js.py
>>> #2819: Jason Grout: edge_style option for directed graphs
>>> #2823: William Stein: notebook -- safari 3.1 introspection
>>>        completely broken
>>> #2824: Craig Citro: sturm_bound incorrect for GammaH
>>> #2825: William Stein: notebook -- document js.py some more
>>> #2828: Mike Hansen, Martin Albrecht: get doctest coverage for
>>>        combinat/ to 100%
>>> #2829: Martin Albrecht: PyLint cleanup of crypto.mq.sr
>>> #2830: Nathan Dunfield: ace-5.0.spkg fails to install
>>> #2831: William Stein: speed up plotting when using floor()
>>> #2832: Geert Heldager Nielsen, William Stein: fix mistake in
>>>        tutorial
>>> #2836: Yi Qiang: twisted.conch.ssh deprecated functions
>>> #2837: Yi Qiang: use twisted-8.0.1's blockingCallFromThread
>>> #2838: Gary Furnish: _PyList_Extend missing
>>> Merged in alpha1:
>>> #210: John Cremona: discrete log and other generic functions
>>> #778: John Cremona: Finite Field __call__ doesn't accept
>>>       polynomials over F_p
>>> #1138: Steffan Reidt, Robert Bradshaw: add implementation of
>>>        Tonelli-Shanks to sage
>>> #2232: Michael Kallweit: Bug in 'digits' function for Integers
>>> #2525: Clement Pernet: update Linbox to 1.1.5 final upstream
>>>        release
>>> #2526: Michael Abshoff: switch charpoly mod p back to linbox as
>>>        default
>>> #2544: William Stein, Craig Citro, Robert Bradshaw: modabvar,
>>>        i.e. rewrite of modular abelian varieties
>>> #2654: Robert Bradshaw: Cyclotomic polynomials speed
>>> #2655: Gary Furnish: Robert Bradshaw: Cython circular cdef
>>>        imports, update to Cython
>>> #2659: John Cremona: Elliptic curve cardinality sometimes
>>>        Rationalwith bad consequences for efficiency
>>> #2670: Didier Deshommes: implement a matrix.find() command
>>> #2713: Carl Witty: sage-doctest applies backslash handling to
>>>        expected outputs
>>> #2746: Tim Abbott, Michael Abshoff: Support for writing test
>>>        related files in SAGE_TESTDIR
>>> #2751: Martin Albrecht: multivariate polynomials is_homogeneous
>>> #2753: Carl Witty: new "randstate" framework for a global Sage
>>>        random number seed
>>> #2764: Minh Nguyen, Mike Hansen: fix typos in documentation
>>> #2765: Robert Miller: bug in graph_isom, Hoffman-Singleton
>>>        constructor
>>> #2766: Jason Grout, Michael Abshoff: graph adjacency matrix
>>>        defaults to sparse
>>> #2767: Carig Citro: error in elem.matrix(F) and elem.norm(F)
>>>        for F == elem.parent() a number field
>>> #2771: Martin Albrecht: PolyBoRi doctest coverage at 54%
>>> #2774: Martin Albrecht: conversion from PolyBoRi to Singular
>>> #2776: Martin Albrecht: simplify BooleanPolynomialRing
>>>        constructor for enduser
>>> #2784: Chris Swierczewski: Doctests for rings/complex_number.pyx
>>> #2786: David Harvey: update zn_poly to 0.8
>>> #2788: David Harvey: update hypellfrob to 2.1
>>> #2790: Michael Abshoff: fix very annoying output of new parallel
>>>        doctesting
>>> #2791: Tim Abbott: Build symmetrica with -fPIC on Debian
>>> #2792: Martin Albrecht: remove workaround for non-existing
>>>        Cython bug
>>> #2793: William Stein: Bug in the sage preparser! "\"Yes,\" he
>>>        said."
>>> #2794: Martin Albrecht: PolyBoRi to Magma conversion
>>> #2795: Martin Albrecht: add QuotientRing -> Magma conversion
>>> #2797: David Harvey: fix memleaks in zn_poly
>>> #2798: Gary Furnish: probably easy-to-fix ptest issue
>>> Merged in alpha0:
>>> #1452: Robert Miller: Guava - in gap-4.4.10, Leon's code is
>>>        never compiled
>>> #1863: Martin Albrecht: implement f.change_ring(R) for f a
>>>        multivariate polynomial
>>> #2060: Martin Albrecht, Burin Erocal: Update PolyBoRi interface
>>>        and spkg to 0.3.1
>>> #2200: Tim Abbott: copyright documentation for various spkgs
>>> #2477: Robert Miller, Jason Grout: 3d plotting of graphs -- need
>>>        to force aspect_ratio=[1,1,1] by default
>>> #2620: Martin Albrecht: generator generator support for ideal
>>> #2641: David Joyner: GAP: replace guava 3.1 by guava 3.3
>>> #2651: Jason Grout, Ryan Hinton, Martin Albrecht: rewrite
>>>        matrix() constructor
>>> #2667: Ryan Hinton, Carl Witty, Mike Hansen, Robert Bradshaw:
>>>        transform.pyx calls matrix() with an RDF vector inside
>>>        of a list instead of a flat list.
>>> #2698: John Cremona, Alex Ghitza: Small improvements to integer
>>>        lcm, gcd on lists and a new xlcm function
>>> #2726: Tim Abbott: SAGE debian build system update
>>> #2729: Robert Bradshaw: tiny jmol spheres have holes
>>> #2735: Tim Abbott: minor eclib build system improvements
>>> #2738: Martin Albrecht: LaTeX description environment in docstrings
>>> #2742: Jason Bandlow, Dan Bump, Mike Hansen, Anne Schilling, Nicolas
>>>        Thiery, Justin Walker: add crystals to the main branch of  
>>> Sage
>>> #2747: Tim Abbott: fix SAGE doctest import errors due to introdution
>>>        of $SAGE_TESTDIR
>>> #2752: Michael Kallweit:  Speedup for all_paths()
>>> #2756: Tim Abbott: Debianize GAP spkg
>>> #2757: Tim Abbott: Debianize scipy_sandbox package
>>> #2758: Tim Abbott: iml and linbox updates for Debian gfortran
>>>        transition
>>> #2759: Tim Abbott: SAGE debian/ directory update
>>> #2760: Tim Abbott: Debian amd64 fixes for NTL
>>> #2761: Tim Abbott: Debian amd64 fixes for tachyon
>>> #2762: Tim Abbott: Debian amd64 fixes for FLINT
>>> #2763: Tim Abbott: Debian amd64 fixes for rubiks
> -- 
> William Stein
> Associate Professor of Mathematics
> University of Washington
> http://wstein.org

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