On Apr 23, 10:04 pm, mark mcclure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 23, 3:53 pm, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> dortmund.de> wrote:
> > This looks like Singular did not build properly.
> > <SNIP>
> > Please post a link to the  whole install.log here so I can take a
> > look.

Hi Mark,

> Unfortunately, I no longer have the whole install.log.  In hopes of
> fixing the problem, I upgraded to OS X 10.4.11.  A rebuild is in
> progress and the install.log has already been overwritten.  Sorry
> about that; perhaps I'll learn for the future. :)

 We will be much more aggressive from now on in blacklisting know
broken compilers since at least on OSX it should work out of the box
because there is so little variety of the OS itself and Apple usually
is the tool chain provider. In general: if anything breaks keep the
log - usually there is a clue in there what went wrong. Upgrading to
10.4.11 is unlikely to fix the  issues, but then I have seen pigs fly
before ;)

> Presumably, by 5:30 or so I'll either have a working copy or
> I'll be able to post the install.log.


> Mark


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