PRs to cysignals are most welcome. It should not be impossible to hook up a 
Windows CI and wheel builder in cysignals, too.

On Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 6:14:58 PM UTC+1 wrote:

> On Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 9:32:27 AM UTC-6 Gonzalo Tornaría wrote:
> As far as I know, cysignals is another instance of a component originally 
> developed for sagemath, about maybe 20 years ago, then separated into a 
> standalone package. In theory, this separation should make it easier to 
> support other OS, but the fact that windows support hasn't materialized yet 
> is a sign that this is not so clear. 
> Windows support *did* materialize.  The modified cysignals module included 
> with CyPari *does* work on Windows.  And that also happened many years 
> ago.  What did not happen was for the Sage cysignals project to incorporate 
> the changes that make it work on Windows and to produce Windows packages on 
> PyPi.  I always assumed that the reason for that was that there would be no 
> point in doing so,  given that Sage is the only user of cysignals (with 
> CyPari as the sole exception) and Sage doesn't support Windows.  Moreover, 
> adding Windows support adds a maintenance burden.  I think that the 
> cysignals project never intended to produce anything that would work on 
> non-posix systems.  I think the same is true of all projects under the Sage 
> umbrella, although it is obviously not the case for the "python ecosystem" 
> in general.
>  - Marc

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