On Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at 2:48:10 PM UTC-7 oscar.j....@gmail.com 

In my mind it could make sense for there to be a sagemath-minimal 
package which from a user perspective represents a "minimal 
installation of Sage" in comparison to say a package called 
sagemath-full. The implication of that though is that the package 
provides enough usable features that a user who only wants to use 
widely used basic features of Sage would be able to use 
sagemath-minimal to do what they want. It sounds like 
sagemath-categories does not provide that. I think that the same 
problem applies to the name sagemath-core because again to me that 
name implies some level of usability from an end-user perspective.

Yes, there's definitely room for one or more such distributions below what 
is currently called *sagemath-standard* (= all standard features of Sage). 
There is no technical difficulty in putting together such distributions 
(without content, just dependencies). A discussion among users/developers 
what the scope of such distributions should be would be very valuable, but 
would have relatively little urgency.

Looking at the diagram (in 
https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/35095) is the part on the right 


I'm assuming that it is separate from categories because it depends on 
ipython or something but is it likely that anyone would want to 
install sagemath-repl without also installing sagemath-categories?

Yes. *sagemath-repl* contains also the Sage doctesting facility. It is used 
for doctesting *sagemath-objects*, the smaller distribution below 

If not then would it make sense for sagemath-repl to depend on 
sagemath-categories rather than sagemath-objects and then would there 
still be a need for sagemath-objects and 

Anything that uses environment variables or configuration variables goes 
through *sagemath-environment.*
A distribution without a dependency on that therefore declares that it is 
"configuration-free". This is valuable by itself.

Something that is very unclear to me is what the sizes of these things 
are. For example, how much disk space does it take to install 
sagemath-mpmath plus dependencies? How much larger or smaller is that 
than just installing sagemath-categories?

*sagemath-mpmath* is not a good example because the need for it will go 
away with Remove outdated mpmath Sage backend 

But here are the sizes of the wheels as of the PR in question 
(https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/36380). (These are not "repaired 
wheels", i.e., they do not contain the shared libraries that they depend 

-rw-r--r--  1 mkoeppe  staff    100021 Oct  1 17:31 
-rw-r--r--  1 mkoeppe  staff    623865 Oct  1 17:48 
-rw-r--r--  1 mkoeppe  staff  12898188 Oct  1 17:39 
-rw-r--r--  1 mkoeppe  staff    168193 Oct  1 17:31 
-rw-r--r--  1 mkoeppe  staff    120728 Oct  1 17:30 
-rw-r--r--  1 mkoeppe  staff     34979 Oct  1 17:31 
-rw-r--r--  1 mkoeppe  staff    210888 Oct  1 17:31 
-rw-r--r--  1 mkoeppe  staff   4677952 Oct  1 17:32 
-rw-r--r--  1 mkoeppe  staff    449903 Oct  1 17:33 
-rw-r--r--  1 mkoeppe  staff     68201 Oct  1 17:31 
-rw-r--r--  1 mkoeppe  staff  98114018 Oct  1 17:47 
-rw-r--r--  1 mkoeppe  staff    149635 Oct  1 17:31 
Note the size difference between the current *sagemath-standard *and
* sagemath-{objects,categories,repl,environment}. *
Happy to provide more detail.


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