On Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 9:32:27 AM UTC-6 Gonzalo Tornaría wrote:

As far as I know, cysignals is another instance of a component originally 
developed for sagemath, about maybe 20 years ago, then separated into a 
standalone package. In theory, this separation should make it easier to 
support other OS, but the fact that windows support hasn't materialized yet 
is a sign that this is not so clear. 

Windows support *did* materialize.  The modified cysignals module included 
with CyPari *does* work on Windows.  And that also happened many years 
ago.  What did not happen was for the Sage cysignals project to incorporate 
the changes that make it work on Windows and to produce Windows packages on 
PyPi.  I always assumed that the reason for that was that there would be no 
point in doing so,  given that Sage is the only user of cysignals (with 
CyPari as the sole exception) and Sage doesn't support Windows.  Moreover, 
adding Windows support adds a maintenance burden.  I think that the 
cysignals project never intended to produce anything that would work on 
non-posix systems.  I think the same is true of all projects under the Sage 
umbrella, although it is obviously not the case for the "python ecosystem" 
in general.

 - Marc

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