On Thu, Oct 3, 2024 at 2:11 PM Kwankyu Lee <ekwan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It seems to me that one of the main innovations of sage (among other CAS) was 
> to make writing doctests really easy *and* keep them together with the code 
> *and* make testing them *while developing* very straightforward.
> True!
> The final of these three points would be broken by encouraging developers to 
> test only the parts of sage they are interested in, even if only slightly so. 
>  This can be seen in packages that were developed for sage, but not 
> integrated, and used mostly for a relatively specific task.  An example I 
> have in mind is the ore_algebra package.
> We should not encourage that.
> When I develop some code, thinking to merge it eventually to sage. I first 
> run tests only in the files that I touch. Later when the code is mature, I 
> run all the tests in sage locally (on mac). Later after I push the code to a 
> PR, the ci run all the tests again (on ubuntu). Later when the PR is merged 
> and a new release of sage is made, the ci run all the tests again on many 
> platforms.
> I am imagining this:
> Suppose a number theorist developer installed sagemath-number-theory on his 
> platform. (You are not the developer :-) He develops some code. He tests his 
> code by running doctests in the files he touched. Later when the code is 
> mature, he runs all the tests in sagemath-number-theory. This is the step 
> that gets quicker. Later when the code is pushed to a PR, the ci tests the 
> code with all the doctests of the whole sage library.

Why is it quicker than running ./sage -t src/sage/lfunctions src/sage/rings/
(perhaps few other should be added) on a full sagelib install?

sagemath-number-theory is probably 70-80% of sagelib.
There is very little to win here, at expense of quite a bit of extra
complexity of all these sagemath-* distributions.
And extra complexity to run wider tests, for sagelib, as it's not
installed by default.

For a wider testing, we should not assume that free and generous
GitHub CI allowance we enjoy now is there to stay.
Anytime Microsoft, the owner of github, would want extra cash, this
will be over in no time, like it was the case with GitLab,
and before that with a quite popular, back then, dedicated CI service
(forgot the name).


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