On Dec 3, 2007 4:23 PM, Fernando Perez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 3, 2007 5:09 PM, Ted Kosan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In the mean time, this is one reason why I have been working on the
> > SAGEIDE alternative to the browser-based notebook.  SAGEIDE currently
> > has Java3D running in it with few problems and here is a list of its
> > other benefits:
> If you are going to build a local (as opposed to browser-based)
> environment, I'd strongly suggest you have a look at Enthought's
> tools.  Envisage, in particular:

I don't think Sage should be worried at all about building  a local
non-browser based environment, precisely because the Enthought
guys are already doing exactly that (so we don't have to!).

> - https://svn.enthought.com/enthought/wiki/EnvisageThree/Index
> here's a PDF summary:
> - 
> https://svn.enthought.com/enthought/attachment/wiki/Envisage/envisage-euro_python-2006.2.pdf?format=raw
> and the kinds of things you can do with it:
> - http://code.enthought.com/mayavi2/
> This stuff is modeled after Eclipse, but with a specific focus on
> scientific applications.  And you get VTK as your 3d engine, which is
> a state of the art 3d visualization library.  It's all pure python,
> written by arguably some of the best python developers around.  The
> envisage3 version isn't quite finished yet, but it will make a number
> of things a lot easier than they were in v2.  The TVTK support is
> already first-rate (there have been recent threads on this list about
> it already).
> I think the idea of Java in the browser is a good one, because there's
> just no other way of getting certain types of functionality in a
> browser.  But if you're going to forgo the browser and use a local
> client, then Java would be the last thing I'd use, at least for this
> particular problem.  Especially for a python-based project like Sage,
> I think you'll get a lot more mileage out of tools like the enthought
> stack than out of a Java/Jython construction.

I view java3d as being for the browser-based interface to Sage.

 -- William

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