On 5/22/07, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> By the way, here is what Mathematica does:
> In[7]:= N[Sin[10 Degree]]
> Out[7]= 0.173648
> I am in favor of something more like that, though I *loathe* adding
> anything further to the preparser.  Maybe this is more pythonic:
>    sage: sin(10 * degrees)
> i.e., degrees would be a Python object that represent 1 degree.
> The resulting object 10 * degrees would be a number with units.
> I would be interested in a general units package.

The degree is just a dimensionless number (= pi/180); no units package
needed for this (though perhaps for other reasons). Simply define it
as an ordinary constant like pi.


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