> > I am in favor of something more like that, though I *loathe* adding
> > anything further to the preparser.  Maybe this is more pythonic:
> >
> >   sage: sin(10 * degrees)
> >
> > i.e., degrees would be a Python object that represent 1 degree.
> > The resulting object 10 * degrees would be a number with units.
> >
> > I would be interested in a general units package.
> Sounds... interesting... but is every trig function now going to have to
> ask for the radian value?  I'm not as against this as I thought I'd be...
> but it looks like there are some wierd issues:
>   * It would be cool to integrate some surface of revoluion to determine
> the volume of a bottle, or some other surface of revolution.  Does GSL have
> to know units, or should we somehow strip them out first?  Then, will we
> have to know that a triple integral returns a cubic unit?
>   * Are we going to throw exceptions when units of differing type are
> added?
>     1*meters + 2*meters*meters : NOT OK.
>     1*meters + 2*feet = ... in feet or meters?  (I say meters)

^^^^ that's what google's calculator does.

This is going on quite a tangent, but I think it would be interesting to

sage: a = 1*meters + 2*feet; a
2*meters + 2*feet
sage: meters(a)
1.6096 * meters


Bobby Moretti

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