On Tue, 22 May 2007, David Harvey wrote:

>>     1*meters + 2*meters*meters : NOT OK.
>>     1*meters + 2*feet = ... in feet or meters?  (I say meters)
> I say metres.

Not my fault you can't spell.  ;)

William: I don't like the word "scalar".  That may be because much of my 
experience with PHP and PERL -- where there are scalars and arrays.  I'd like 
it to be called something like "unitless" or "value".  However, since I did a 
fair amount of tutoring for physics and engineering courses, being able to just 
throw away the units is deeply disturbing to me, for the following reason:

    > a = 5*meters
    > b = 2*feet
    > c = a*b; print c
    10 feet*meters
    > d = a*meters(b)
    25.4 meters^2
    > c == d
    > print c.value()
    > print d.value()

I would almost rather the user have to multiply by the inverse units.  I know 
almost nothing about chemistry... but last time I took a chemistry class, it 
was nearly trivial because I'd gotten so used to fiddling with units: if the 
units come out right, the answer is almost certainly correct.

Since we're on this topic: anybody who cares about units probably cares about 
significant figures, too.  Should the units classes do book-keeping on 
significant figures?

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