On the notion of publicity, the following presentation might help:
http://www.slideshare.net/coolstuff/the-brand-gap. It makes a lot of
very smart points on how one might want to present SAGE for maximal
effect. It takes about ten minutes of your time.

Georg Muntingh.

On Apr 13, 9:05 am, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Within one year, I would like to push for SAGE to have at least ten thousand
> serious users instead of only a few hundred users (I estimate there are < 400
> users of SAGE in the world today).  I think the following are the main
> priorities
> if we want to make this happen:
> 1. Installation:
>     - LINUX: We need .deb source and binary package for
> Debian/Ubuntu-based Linux machines that installs sage to /opt/sage.  A
> minimum requirement for this
> package is that absolutely anybody on a Debian system with the appropriate
> Debian package tools can create this deb, e.g., by typing something
> like "sage -bdistdeb filename.deb"; no further work should be needed.
>     - LINUX: We need an .rpm src and binary package for Redhat-based systems.
> The issues are similar to for a deb.
>     - OS X: We need an .app bundle for SAGE, i.e., a way to create a
> .app directory structure, so users get a single icon that they can
> drag anywhere, e.g., their /Applications folder.  Double clicking on
> the icon should start a SAGE notebook server and pop up a copy of SAGE
> running in Firefox, or complain that Firefox must be installed.  The
> notebook server should just run in the background, and should turn
> itself off if it isn't used for 1 hour.  The SAGE Notebook should very
> clearly
> report what happens if the notebook server disappears.   It is
> critical that either this .app bundle be creatable on OS X in an
> automated fashion that anybody with OS X and xcode can do by typing
> "sage -bdistosx filename-2.4.2.pkg" say.
>     - MS Windows: We need a .msi installer that installs cygwin and
> SAGE together to a uers's directory.  Gary Zablackis used to make one
> of this, but he is no longer contributing to SAGE, unfortunately.
> Nobody has volunteered to take over.   Creation of this installer
> should be as automated as possible, optimally do-able entirely from
> SAGE/Cygwin by typing a command in SAGE or from Cygwin.
> 2. The Notebook:
>    - It *needs* to be redone using Twisted, or at least some sort of
> more robust multi-threaded or asynchronous I/O model that supports ssl
> connections.
>    - There are several major problems with the GUI that need to be addressed:
>         * The edit mode has two problems: (1) images aren't preserved;
> (2) one can't always insert new cells between html text.
>         * The textarea's need to be replaced by a full-fledged code
> editor with syntax highlighting, autoindent, etc.  Tom Boothby is
> working on this.
>         * Saving and loading of worksheets needs to be revamped.
>         * Printing should use pdflatex, etc.; this would look vastly
> better.  Also, export (and import) of worksheets and notebooks to
> latex should be trivial.
>    - Full text doc and source search needs to be optimized.  I just
> wrote a 2-liner using grep, but Alex Clemesha has some good SQLite
> code that should replace this.  Alternatively, maybe there is an
> indexing extension to grep (??).
> 3. Symbolic Calculus:
>     - Aside from section 1 above on installation, this is the most
> important thing for SAGE to be useful to a wide range of people.
>     - A first release of this is very close.  I would have released it
> already, but
>  when stress testing Bobby's latest version I quickly discovered some issues
>  with the Maxima <--> SAGE interface that have to be resolved,
> probably via some very unpleasant and tricky pexpect hacking.  :-(
>     - Making Symbolic Calculus fast and robust enough is going to
> require some very serious work and minimizing or eliminating
> dependence on Maxima. Fortunately symbolic computer algebra is fairly
> well studied and well understood...
> 4. Bugs:
>    - SAGE still has way way too many bugs.
>    - The patch referee system is helping greatly so far.  Many thanks
> for all the volunteers who have helped with this!
>    - Everybody who considers sending me code -- please, please, please
> strive for the absolutely highest quality you can.  Write doctests for
> every function.  Create a  TESTS section in docstrings with even more
> tests.  Create an automated testing function.  Etc.
> 5. Publicity:
> I think what is needed to grow the user base to > 10K is the following:
>   - Please, write journal articles, books, and papers (both research
> and aimed at undergrads) that have snippets of SAGE code or mention
> how to use SAGE.  Naturally, I'm doing this a lot (my modular forms
> book has SAGE code, and I'm redoing my elementary number theory book
> to use SAGE before it gets published), etc.   If you write foo.tex
> with SAGE code in verbatim blocks, you can do "sage -t foo.tex" and it
> will doctest your file for you.
>   - Articles like the blog post Georg wrote recently are excellent publicity.
>   - We should create a nice general and very pretty SAGE poster, then
> print up a few hundred and send them to all people on sage-devel to
> post in their places of employment, etc.
>   - Give talks at conferences and mention SAGE.
> 6. Commutative Algebra and Linear Algebra:
>    - Martin Albrecht is doing excellent work laying the groundwork to
> make polynomial arithmetic, etc., in SAGE superb.
>    - Linear algebra is also going reasonably well, in that the overall
> situation is finally reasonably good, after a year of serious pain.
> -----
> Most development work on SAGE right now is on advanced
> research-related algorithms, not on the issues listed above.  I'm very
> proud of this work, and I see it as our greatest strength -- it
> distinguishes SAGE as a technology from Maple/Mathematica/MATLAB.
> Keep up the great work!
> If you're interested in seriously helping with anything listed above
> (or have a student who can -- most work on the above points so
> far has been done by undergraduates!), please reply to this email and
> explain your interest, or email me.
> William

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