I used WINDOWS NT and got some troubles in the installation. I installed with the command : k-inst8 c:\ -d When running X-Fit nothing happens when launching Koalariet. (I used titanate.inp as example file as explained in http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/tutorial/xfit-95/getxfit.htm Waiting for some help!! yves
- <none> Leigh Nixon
- <none> Jose A. Gavira-Gallardo
- <none> Hervé Brequel
- Re: <none> L. Cranswick
- <none> Mr. Digamber Porob
- <none> Venkateswara Rao
- <none> Quirina I. Roode-Gutzmer
- <none> Mr. Digamber Porob
- Re: <none> Jon Wright
- <none> Le Bail Armel
- Re: Koalariet on WinNT yves.Feutelais
- Re: Koalariet on WinNT L. Cranswick
- <none> jie shao cis stnt
- Re: bond length angle software with ESDs L. Cranswick
- ORFEE Andre Van Moer
- <none> alb
- Re: <none> Christian L. Lengauer
- Re: Monopoly Armel Le Bail
- Re: <none> Diffract
- <none> Kerry Drake