Bob Downs wrote 19 May 1999:
>The structure is not reported in Am Min. The Am Min reference is a paragraph
>in the new minerals section that references Eur Min .
>The MSA database contains only structures that are reported in Am Min.
>I am certain that no one would complain if Eur Min structures were included
>in the MSA database, do you want to do it?
OK, thanks Bob. Actually as Ryan Winburn pointed out, "stratlingite" is
indeed in the ICSD database, but spelled "straetlingite" and with a slightly
different stoichiometry.
I am impressed with the MSA database, and hope that European mineralogists
will be encouraged to submit entries directly to MSA and ICSD.
Regards, Alan H.
Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> tel (33) fax (33)