Dear All,

I am planning to do crystallite size determinations and I think that a
reasonable way to begin may be to analyze well known materials, so to verify
what is working properly (and what not....).

As the SRM 674a set of oxides (namely corundum, cerianite, rutile, chromite)
is available in our laboratory, I would ask what values were determined for
the crystallite size of these standard materials. Any hint or suggestion
warmly welcome.

Thanks in advance for your kind attention       Natale  Perchiazzi
               Natale Perchiazzi                           
  Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra 
       Universitą degli Studi di Pisa           
     Via S.Maria 53, I-56126 Pisa        
             tel +39 050 847269                         
             fax +39 050 40976                         
      e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]                

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