>Does anyone have a reference for the crystal structure of stratlingite?
>Stratlingite = Ca2 Al2 Si O7 - 8H2O
Not in either ICSD nor American Mineral Societies database in such a
highly hydrated form. However there is a much less hydrated calcium
alumino-silicate Ca2 Al2 Si O7 - H2O called Bicchulite most recently
studied by Mark Weller et al. by neutron powder diffraction.
Dann,SE. Mead,PJ. Weller,MT. (1996) Inorg.Chem. 35 1427-1428
Loewenstein's rule extended to an aluminium rich framework.
The structure of bicchulite, Ca8 (Al2 Si O6)4 (O H)8, by MAS
NMR and neutron diffraction
Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> tel (33)
ftp://ftp.ill.fr/pub/dif fax (33) http://www.ill.fr/dif/