Thanks very much Sam... much appreciated.

On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 4:55 PM, Vikram Lalit <> wrote:

> Thanks Alexander ... makes complete sense...
> On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 4:39 PM, Alexander Sicular <>
> wrote:
>> There is a reason Basho's minimum production deployment recommendation is
>> 5 machines. It is to ensure that, when operating with default settings,
>> each replica of any key is stored on distinct physical nodes. It has to do
>> with the allocation of virtual nodes to physical machines and replica sets.
>> Replica sets are sets of virtual nodes, not physical nodes.
>> When using 3 or 4 machines in your cluster reduce your n_val to 2.
>> Cheers, Alexander
>> On Friday, May 27, 2016, DeadZen <> wrote:
>>> np, number of nodes and ring size play a lot into that.
>>> as does your r,w settings.
>>> might be fun to create a visualization one day ;)
>>> On Friday, May 27, 2016, Vikram Lalit <> wrote:
>>>> Ok got it thanks.
>>>> On May 27, 2016 4:02 PM, "DeadZen" <> wrote:
>>>>> reiterating my last email
>>>>> > theres no guarantee vnodes are assigned to unique servers..
>>>>> referencing the docs
>>>>> > Nodes *attempt* to claim their partitions at intervals around the
>>>>> ring such that there is an even distribution amongst the member nodes and
>>>>> that no node is responsible for more than one replica of a key.
>>>>> On Friday, May 27, 2016, Vikram Lalit <> wrote:
>>>>>> I have a Riak cluster (of 3 nodes, with 64 partitions and n_val = 3)
>>>>>> but I find that for some objects, their hosting partitions / vnodes are 
>>>>>> not
>>>>>> spread out across the 3 nodes. In some cases, 2 of them are on 1 node and
>>>>>> the third is on a second node. That runs contrary to my understanding 
>>>>>> (link
>>>>>> here:
>>>>>> that the data is spread out across partitions in such a way that the
>>>>>> partitions are on different servers. Is there something I'm missing here
>>>>>> please in terms of how Riak works? Thanks...
>> --
>> Alexander Sicular
>> Solutions Architect
>> Basho Technologies
>> 9175130679
>> @siculars
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