No problem, that's even more simpler. You can safely drop my PR to the docs
(it was somewhat hard to explain what to do in a consistent way with other
steps anyway). I will test the procedure from the beginning with the
one-command branch this week-end, but it seems it's even better now (and it
might solve an other problem I had with gems not detected by vagrant, I had
to manually add some paths to the Vagrantfile... I'll tell you).

Thanks for your support!

2013/3/27 Tyler Hannan <>

> Jean-Baptiste,
> Sorry for the delay in reply on this…and thanks for your PR to the docs.
> You actually caught us in the middle of an update to the vagrant project
> that impacts the docs as well.  The goal/intent is to simplify the process
> even further and prepare it for being able to spin up a virtual cluster
> simply.
> All that to say, the app.config that is being populated by the cookbook
> should now match a default s3cmd host_base & _bucket and prevent the issue
> you saw.
> Take a gander at the one-command branch of the vagrant project if you
> would like to test it (I have it running but am going to give it another
> run this evening)[0].  Just a reminder that, if you clone the repo and want
> to test on that branch in advance of the PR being accepted, you should
> ensure you make your local branch track the origin…something like:
> git checkout --track origin/one-command
> Feel free to shout with any more questions…and thanks for helping us make
> the virtual fast track even simpler.
> [0] -
> Cheers,
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Tyler Hannan  |  Director, Technical Marketing*
> Basho Technologies
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> t: @tylerhannan
> c: 720-280-9216
> On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 1:38 AM, Jean-Baptiste Barth <
>> wrote:
>> 2013/3/22 Dan Reverri <>
>>> Hi Jean-Baptiste,
>>> Can you try updating the "host_base" and "host_bucket" in s3cfg to use
>>> "" which is the "cs_root_host" configured in your Riak CS
>>> app.config?
>>> host_base =
>>> host_bucket = %(bucket)
>> Yes, it worked!
>> % s3cmd --debug mb s3://zbucket
>> ...
>> DEBUG: Sending request method_string='PUT', uri='
>>', headers={'content-length': '0',
>> 'Authorization': 'AWS X2GOEX5TVL8FAYMQIIYC:lHt5vDLqHzsvnOBGnHRxaPNakrI=',
>> 'x-amz-date': 'Fri, 22 Mar 2013 07:35:39 +0000'}, body=(0 bytes)
>> DEBUG: Response: {'status': 200, 'headers': {'date': 'Fri, 22 Mar 2013
>> 07:33:49 GMT', 'content-length': '0', 'content-type': 'application/xml',
>> 'server': 'Riak CS'}, 'reason': 'OK', 'data': ''}
>> Bucket 's3://zbucket/' created
>> I guess having set the proxy host and port was not enough, I'm right ? If
>> so I can prepare a pull request for the docs before tomorrow to add this
>> step.
>> Thanks,
>> Jean-Baptiste
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