
Bucket creation is one of the operations handled by 'stanchion'.  So, make
sure you've install stanchion installed on only one node and that all
riak-cs nodes are pointing at that one stanchion node.  If that all looks
fine, the second thing to check is that the admin credentials match between
riak-cs and stanchion.

Hopefully one of those is the problem and it is an easy fix.  If not, just
reply back and we can work through it.


On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 9:58 AM, Jean-Baptiste Barth <> wrote:

> Hi,
> First congratulations for open-sourcing Riak CS !
> Thanks to the "fast track" docs I now have a vagrant VM which runs Riak CS
> and I have been able to define admin credentials. Now I'm trying to use the
> whole thing with s3cmd as proposed in
>  ;
> "s3cmd --configure" and "s3cmd ls" work fine, though it doesn't return
> anything since I have no bucket for now. I use s3cmd v1.5.0-alpha1
> installed with the tarball.
> When I try to create a bucket I get the following error: "ERROR: S3 error:
> 405 (Method Not Allowed):"
> You can see a full trace here, trying to create a "zbucket" :
> I'm not very familiar with riak/webmachine/s3cmd for now. I imagine Riak
> CS is not happy with the "PUT" HTTP verb, is it expected behaviour ? Maybe
> there is something obvious I missed ? Any idea is welcome.
> Thanks,
> Jean-Baptiste
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