2013/3/21 Jared Morrow <ja...@basho.com>

> Bucket creation is one of the operations handled by 'stanchion'.  So, make
> sure you've install stanchion installed on only one node and that all
> riak-cs nodes are pointing at that one stanchion node.

Yep that's the case. Stanchion is running fine it seems, nothing in the
logs, all IP/ports match in /etc/{stanchion,riak,riak-cs}/app.config. Only
one node and one IP for now.

> If that all looks fine, the second thing to check is that the admin
> credentials match between riak-cs and stanchion.

They all look good in config files (same credentials in local ~/.s3cfg,
server's /etc/riak-cs/app.config and server's /etc/stanchion/app.config).
Didn't really know if it has been (or even needs to be) reloaded. A
"/etc/init.d/... reload" worked on riak / stanchion but failed on riak-cs
("Node 'riak-cs@' not responding to pings.") so I issued a
restart of riak+riak-cs.

> Hopefully one of those is the problem and it is an easy fix.  If not, just
> reply back and we can work through it.

Same result in the end, still the same trace and error message. Forgot to
mention riak, riak-cs and stanchion all are in 1.3.0 version.

Thanks for your help,

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