2013/3/22 Kelly McLaughlin <ke...@basho.com>

> Jean-Baptiste,
> It seems like something is not properly configured, but I am not really
> able to spot anything obvious that is wrong from the gist you provided.
> What operating system are you testing on and are you using packages or have
> you built from source? Could you also gist your riak_cs app.config?

As Tyler guessed I used the tutorial here:
I confirm I used
https://github.com/hectcastro/vagrant-riak-cs-cluster and left the
Vagrantfile nearly untouched, with Ubuntu 12.04 by default. I just added
some paths at the top of the file because I use RVM for my ruby
environments and Vagrant was unable to find berkshelf, but I'm pretty sure
it has nothing to do with the actual problem.

Here's a gist of my config files (untouched until you asked me if my
credentials were valid, they were deployed by the chef recipe or in the
vagrant template I guess) : https://gist.github.com/jbbarth/5219485

I can try the install with CentOS tomorrow if you want. Also it would be
great if one of you can gist the output of a successful "s3cmd --debug mb
s3://test-bucket" so I can dig into the issue myself a bit more.

Thanks for your time, much appreciated :)


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