An update on this “issue”. Sol-Ark Tech Support said that the high voltage DC 
is normal and not a concern. I believe they said it was a “static” voltage. 
They didn’t really provide an answer as to why it’s present. But I stick to my 
hypothesis that the source is the H-Bridge drive circuitry. 

William, to your point, I’m not thrilled that there’s a DC voltage on the AC 
output. But given that these units have been in operation for years without 
issue related to this input/output I’m not too worried.

Thanks everyone!

> On Oct 16, 2024, at 11:09 PM, William Miller <> wrote:
> Rick:
> You’re OK leaving this random high voltage DC on the AC output?
> William Miller
> Miller
> 805-438-5600
> <>
> On Wed, Oct 16, 2024 at 6:09 PM 
> <> < 
> <>> wrote:
>> Confirmed! Reading the same points on a different inverter yielded the same 
>> results. At a different site, I measured -188.8VDC to ground on both L1 and 
>> L2. 
>> My suspicion is that there’s leakage current via the H-bridge output. Just a 
>> thought. 
>> Case closed, thanks. 
>> Rick Brown
>> Solshine Energy 
>> Solar Electric Contracting Services 
>> <>
>> Roanoke, VA
>> Office: 540.235.3095
>> Mobile: 540.808.9502
>> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE -- This email is intended only for the person(s) 
>> named in
>> the message header. Unless otherwise indicated, it contains information that 
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>> confidential, privileged and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. 
>> If you have
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>> delete the
>> message. Thank you.
>>> On Oct 16, 2024, at 3:49 PM, 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Sorry I wasn’t clear. There’s no PV tied directly to the Sol-Ark however 
>>> the Sunny Boy has 5.52 kW of PV. Again the SB is AC coupled to the Sol-Ark 
>>> via its Load input/output.
>>> I can assure you that the DC is not coming from an external source. There 
>>> are no faults at either inverter (measured or indicated by the 
>>> inverter(s)). Both systems are operating normally.
>>> I’ll be looking at another site to verify whether these readings are 
>>> consistent or an anomaly.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rick
>>>> On Oct 15, 2024, at 3:49 PM, William Miller via RE-wrenches 
>>>> < 
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> Rick:
>>>> Two questions:
>>>> 1.   If you don’t have PV on this system, what are those glassy, flat 
>>>> things on the roof wired to the DC inputs of your Sunny Boy?
>>>> 2.   Think to yourself: What component(s) on this project could possibly 
>>>> produce high voltage DC?
>>>> I think the answer to both questions is… PV panels.  I highly suspect you 
>>>> have a PV ground fault.  Proceed with caution.
>>>> On the Sunny Boy I would check the DC voltage between L1 and ground, 
>>>> between L2 and ground and between neutral and ground.  Do this in the 
>>>> operational configuration that is producing the DC voltage on the Gen 
>>>> inputs.
>>>> While you are at it, check DC voltages between the Sunny Boy DC inputs to 
>>>> ground and between the Sunny Boy Chassis and ground.
>>>> Check your GEC, GEC bonding conductor and all of the system EGCs.
>>>> I would also check the GFDI fuse on the Sunny Boy.  
>>>> William Miller
>>>> Miller Solar
>>>> 17395 Oak Road, Atascadero, CA 93422
>>>> 805-438-5600
>>>> <>
>>>> CA Lic. 773985
>>>> From: <> 
>>>> [ <>] 
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2024 12:03 PM
>>>> To: <>; RE-wrenches
>>>> Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Sol-Ark Gen Input
>>>> William,
>>>> There’s no PV on this system. It’s AC coupled to an SMA SB5.0. 
>>>> As a test, we turned off the Grid input, Load output, and turned off the 
>>>> battery breaker. As expected, the high voltage DC eventually bled to 0V. 
>>>> Turning things on in this order: Battery, Grid, then Load resulted in the 
>>>> high voltage appearing once the Grid relay kicked on. Actually, the high 
>>>> voltage ramped up slowly once the Grid relay turned on.
>>>> We’ve been installing these for years and have never seen this. Then 
>>>> again, we’ve never measured that point.
>>>> On Oct 15, 2024, at 2:32 PM, William Miller via RE-wrenches 
>>>> < 
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> Rick:
>>>> If I had to guess I’d say you have a PV wiring fault.  The PV positive may 
>>>> be shorted to ground.  
>>>> This would make the inverter chassis negative in relation to ground.  
>>>> The logic I use is to ask what is the likely source of DC at 195 volts?  
>>>> It is most likely the PV circuits, wouldn’t you say?
>>>> If the DC Fault is not eternal then it must be internal to the inverter.  
>>>> This could be a dangerous situation.  I would proceed with caution.
>>>> Try completely isolating the PV from the inverter as a start.
>>>> Good luck.
>>>> William Miller
>>>> Miller Solar
>>>> 17395 Oak Road, Atascadero, CA 93422
>>>> 805-438-5600
>>>> <>
>>>> CA Lic. 773985
>>>> From: RE-wrenches [ 
>>>> <>] On Behalf Of rick--- 
>>>> via RE-wrenches
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2024 11:09 AM
>>>> To: RE-wrenches
>>>> Cc: <>
>>>> Subject: [RE-wrenches] Sol-Ark Gen Input
>>>> Back on the Sol-Ark topic again. We have a customer whose 12kW is 
>>>> measuring -195VDC to ground from L1 and L2 with the Gen breaker open. L1 
>>>> to L2 = 0V. I know the Gen input can be configured as an output, but 
>>>> reading a high DC voltage to ground is concerning. The generator has never 
>>>> been run. System is operating normally. 
>>>> Anyone have a Sol-Ark accessible that could verify what they’re reading?
>>>> Thanks in advance. 
>>>> Rick Brown
>>>> Solshine Energy 
>>>> Solar Electric Contracting Services 
>>>> <>
>>>> Roanoke, VA
>>>> Office: 540.235.3095
>>>> Mobile: 540.808.9502
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>>>> rick brown
>>>> SolShine Energy Alternatives, LLC
>>>> Electrical & Solar Contracting Services
>>>> <>
>>>> Roanoke, VA
>>>> Office: 540.235.3095
>>>> Mobile: 540.808.9502
>>>> VA Class A Contractor Lic# 2705147660
>>>> VA Master Electrician Lic# 2710062762
>>>> VA Alternative Energy Systems Installer  
>>>> NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional 110112-21
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>>> rick brown
>>> SolShine Energy Alternatives, LLC
>>> Electrical & Solar Contracting Services
>>> <>
>>> Roanoke, VA
>>> Office: 540.235.3095
>>> Mobile: 540.808.9502
>>> VA Class A Contractor Lic# 2705147660
>>> VA Master Electrician Lic# 2710062762
>>> VA Alternative Energy Systems Installer  
>>> NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional 110112-21
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rick brown
SolShine Energy Alternatives, LLC
Electrical & Solar Contracting Services
Roanoke, VA
Office: 540.235.3095
Mobile: 540.808.9502

VA Class A Contractor Lic# 2705147660
VA Master Electrician Lic# 2710062762
VA Alternative Energy Systems Installer  
NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional 110112-21

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