Again not all batteries are the same, Chemistry, recharge rate or
intelligence of the BMS, l have personally tested Blue planet batteries, l
have let them sit at 100% SOC for 10 weeks, ran them at 30% SOC for 6
months, l have performed 100% to 0% cycling up to 4 times a day. This is
the same tests l ran on a variety of Li tech batteries and BluePlanet is
the only one that survived this testing. It's ore then spec sheets and
cost, it comes down to success or failure, personally l like success and
being able to pass or fail batteries without having my customers pay the
price is a good thing. Blue Planet has 8000 cycles life and a 15 year
warranty at 70% compare that to anything out there but again that's just me.

On Sun, May 24, 2020, 1:32 PM Darryl Thayer <darylsol...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have spoken with a li battery
> researcher. Do not charge over 85% of battery full charge voltage and they
> will last over 25 years.   But go above or below bottom and trouble
> On Sun, May 24, 2020, 10:27 AM Jay <jay.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> One question I have for those more versed than me in lithium is, I’m
>> under the impression that having a lithium battery in float for years isn’t
>> good for it. Or at the very least it has to be cycled with some regularity.
>> I’d like to hear data on that
>> Thx
>> Jay
>> Peltz power.
>> On May 23, 2020, at 10:08 PM, Ray <r...@solarray.com> wrote:
>> I suggest starting with a very simple look at the continuous output
>> rating of the battery and match that to the inverter continuous rating.
>> This ends up with quite a bit more battery than you might think at first.
>> However, if the customer paid the big bucks for a battery backup system,
>> they should at least get enough battery to operate the inverter at its
>> rated power.  Anything less, I would consider poor design.  The same goes
>> for lead acid batteries, they just don't work well, even on grid, when the
>> battery is undersized.  Even lead acid batteries have maximum current
>> output ratings that should at least be matched to the inverter rating.
>> If you WERE going to under size the battery, then you should keep it safe
>> by reducing the size of the inverter battery breaker as well.   I know this
>> "micro battery for GTB" is becoming a trend, but it doesn't mean its right.
>> Ray Walters
>> Remote Solar
>> 303 505-8760
>> On 5/23/20 5:48 PM, Mick Abraham wrote:
>> Greetings, All~ Mark Frye had asked:  "...with a 4000w Outback Radian, AC
>> coupled with 2000w of PV, what is the smallest Li battery I would want for
>> stable operation?"
>> Mick's reply: In the lithium arena, one often finds the ratings in
>> kilowatt-hours rather than in amp-hours. This is an easy conversion for us
>> energy nerds to make, so below I'm mainly using watts & watt-hours with
>> occasional conversions to amp-hours.
>> I suggest that you start with the spec sheet (of whichever brand lithium
>> battery is on your radar), & see what the manufacturer says about
>> "allowable rate of recharge". You may find that C/2 is an acceptable rate
>> with several manufacturers, Mark--much faster than what we're accustomed to
>> with typical lead-acid batteries. Let's assume:
>> * ...that your AC coupled PV array crests around 1800 watts to the
>> battery when there are no loads
>> * ...that the battery is below 100% state of charge, and
>> * ...that the solar conditions are optimal.
>> Let's further assume that those conditions represent your battery's
>> highest energy rate in either direction.
>> 1800w X two hours = 3,600 watt-hours dividing by 48v nominal = 75
>> amp-hours in the above hypothetical situation.
>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> The rate at which a battery can receive energy is (usually) also the rate
>> at which it can comfortably deplete, so let's briefly look at the flip
>> side: Assuming the battery mfr. wants the watt-hours to be no less than two
>> times the maximum wattage, a 3600 watt-hour (C/2) battery should not be
>> depleted faster than 1800 watts. Your 4kW Radian, Mark, could exceed that
>> if the loads demand it--& maybe your loads don't. Motor starting surges
>> should probably be part of the thinking & it wouldn't hurt to ask the
>> mfr.'s opinion about short term surges which briefly deplete the battery
>> faster than the hypothetical two hour rate.
>> By approaching this question based on the battery manufacturer do's &
>> don'ts, one improves the chance of getting warranty coverage should it
>> later be needed. "What the large print giveth, the fine print taketh away."
>> The Wrench List is the Bomb!
>> Mick Abraham, Proprietor
>> www.abrahamsolar.com
>> Landline: 970-731-4675
>> Cell phone or for text messaging: 970-946-6584
>> ᐧ
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