One of my pet peeves with SolarEdge (I have a few) is that we are now
forced to buy the StorEdge inverters with GSM service, an extra $400 or so
added to the price of the inverter. The carrier is T-Mobile, which does
not work in 95% of Maine. It does not seem to work with other carriers
where we install, as well. There should at least be a CDMA option, but
there is not.
And we are seeing a lot of out of the box and infant mortality with
inverters these days. My estimate would be one in ten.


> it also doesn't bode well with my gut feeling on reliability. I can only
> attest to my experiences, but I feel like a 5% failure rate is high enough
> it warrants some redesign.. They took away my display, and to drive
> something with a phone application ANYWHERE in this world other than
> metropolitan cities is just nightmare-ish.. Working in Gold Country
> California, has turned me OFF to SolarEdge  . .(Pun intended)..
> Joe Nelson
> Project Manager C-46/C-10
> Sustainable Energy Group Inc., A California Corporation
> CSL# 868816
> 530-273-4422 (Office)
> 530-217-8385 (Cell)
> ________________________________
> From: RE-wrenches <> on behalf of
> Marco Mangelsdorf <>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 12:08:46 PM
> To: 'RE-wrenches' <>
> Subject: [RE-wrenches] SolarEdge woes
> Aloha,
> Does anyone know any special tricks to get through to a live person at
> SolarEdge support?
> We’ve been dealing with nightmare waits of HOURS while my field crew
> wait, wait and wait and wait some more.
> Thanks,
> marco
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