You can alter the way you make the cut (in brake cable I presume) to 
prevent the need for filing/grinding. The problem is the helical wrap of 
the flat stock that makes the compressionless outer structure; if the jaws 
of the cutter are at perfect perpendicular alignment, both jaws will try to 
bite into an angled portion of the helix, one jaw will ultimately anchor 
and the other deflect the coil out of place until it reaches the other and 
cuts. Your left with an end of the coil right across what should be the 
opening and liner. When you imagine trying to make a perfect 90° cut across 
the product of a helical stack, the resulting end is going to be an 
impossibly thinning edge that a cutter will not produce before deforming. 
It is also really not necessary for the end of the housing to work 
perfectly when installed. 

Aline one cutter jaw along the line between two subsequent coils of 
housing's coil, almost ignoring what the other side is doing, and slowly 
squeeze them together. This lets one jaw slide easily between the coiled 
metal helix and approach the other which is not lined up with the coil and 
make a cut on one place on that helix. You might have to cut and remove 
some of the vinyl outer skin with a utility knife to see this the first 
time or two. This lets the tool cut that helical coil once. A flat file on 
the end of the cut helix usually cleans things up nicely and an awl will 
reopen and shape the liner. WIll not be a 90° flush cut, but parallel to 
the coil of that helix; more than adequate to produce firm transfer of 
force through the ferrule to a housing stop. 

I quit trying to produce perfectly mitered ends on housings because they 
devalue in reality when you appreciate how a nice aftermarket end ferrule, 
like the brass ones from Wheels Manufacturing, stabilize the housing at the 
stops. Some press-formed ferrules lacking a perfectly flat inside bottom at 
the cable hole will deform one of those perfectly mitered housing helixes' 
final tapering coil with their concavity, producing the same intrusion on 
the cableway as a sloppy chop. Housing end cuts just need to be descent 
ones for the ferrules do their part. 

My obsessive/compulsive electrician was impressed that I grasped this 
concept when helping him with BX cable installation: . (BX is cut 
with a very improbable-looking tool using the same idea of cutting the 
helix once, let the bushing put the final dress on it:

X-acto makes a micro-toothed back saw if images of imperfect cuts hiding in 
the ferrules dance in your mind when trying to fall asleep at night:

Andy Cheatham

On Friday, November 8, 2013 3:06:51 PM UTC-5, Pudge wrote:
>  I bought one new, but find that I have to do a lot of dressing of the 
> housing ends after I make the cut.  Is there some trick to getting a clean 
> cut?  I’ve never used mine for anything but housing.
> *From:* <javascript:> [mailto:
> <javascript:>] *On Behalf Of *Tim Gavin
> *Sent:* Friday, November 08, 2013 3:04 PM
> *To:* <javascript:>
> *Subject:* Re: [RBW] WTB: Park CN-10 cable & housing cutter
> I bit the bullet and bought one new at my LBS.  I've used it a bunch since 
> then.  It's a good cutter for zip ties too.
> Tip:  don't use the housing cutter for other stuff like fender stays.  It 
> doesn't do the job well and it dulls the cutter.  Bolt cutters work for 
> fender stays.
> On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 1:56 PM, dougP < <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> Anyone got one of these they want to part with?  Since I'll use it a few 
> times a year, it's tough to justify buying new.  But a real tool beats all 
> the fussing around needed to properly cut modern cable housings.  
> dougP
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