TPI (threads per inch) by itself doesn't really influence tire performance. 
We once tested a Grand Bois prototype with twice the TPI next to a standard 
tire, on the track, and found that both required the same power output. The 
"twice the TPI" tire never was introduced. Instead, Grand Bois and 
Panaracer went back to the drawing board, and designed the new "Extra 
Leger" tires, which truly are a big leap in terms of suppleness, comfort 
and (as far as the first indications go) speed.

We still have to test these in a controlled setting...

Back to TPI, it's a variable that is easy to quantify, but just like bike 
weight doesn't determine performance, TPI doesn't determine tire 
performance. These variables are somewhat correlated, because a lighter 
frame tends to be more lively, and a high-TPI casing tends to be more 
supple. But it's entirely possible to make a light bike or a high-TPI tire 
that performs poorly.

Jan Heine
Compass Bicycles Ltd.
2116 Western Ave.
Seattle WA 98121

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