
Enjoyed the video.  Looks like a great place to work.  However, I
noticed that John Bennett was left out.  Just checked the Riv website,
and sure enough, no John listed in the staff line-up.  Mark is now GM.
 Seems like a recent change the went unnoticed, unless I misses

Mike G.

On 1/19/13, René Sterental <orthie...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It really doesn't matter. As a customer, one of the things that earns my
>> loyalty is feeling that the shop/vendor/company will go out if their way
>> to
>> do something for me. Rivendell has done it in the past and I expect will
>> continue to do it in the future if necessary. That is why I have 4
>> Rivendell bicycles and keep buying from them things I could buy
>> elsewhere.
> In turn, I try to avoid being unreasonable and taking advantage of them.
> I've been in the opposite side of the spectrum, where stuff I wanted was
> being sold by a vendor who I felt treated me poorly, and I've learned the
> hard way that it wasn't worth buying from them, especially when there are
> many other equivalent options out there.
> While as a customer, I do not expect that Rivendell will replace my frames
> whenever anything unfortunate happens to them, when I needed them to, for
> sizing issues, they volunteered to do it. For an individual, it might mean
> everything; for a shop, it will likely b the seed of more future business
> and referrals. While there are indeed people who will abuse this, on the
> long run the benefit for all will be much larger. For me, it sealed the
> deal.
> I don't support the LBS that is closest to me; I support the ones that give
> me the best service and go out of their way for me; they make me feel
> special and welcome. When they stop doing that due to management changes,
> policy changes or because the sales person or mechanic that did it goes
> elsewhere, I follow them to their new place of work unless they go out of
> town, even if I have to drive further.
> And going back to the video, while everyone I've ever interacted with at
> Rivendell has always been wonderful, I do agree that Keven is special. Very
> special. I wasn't surprised when Grant stated it in the video.
> René
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