
I had two frames painted by Bruce, both for less than $200, and both came out 
great.  One was a 1985 MB-2 (sort of Riv content?), here:  
The other was an early '80s (I think) Nishiki mixte frameset that he repainted 
(along with an old Simplex chainguard and a set of VO Zeppelin fenders) for a 
Christmas gift for my daughter-in-law, in Candy Apple Red, here: 
and here, with the chainguard: 
.  Total cost for two framesets, a set of fenders and the chainguard (with 
cream inset on the guard and a cream headtube on the mixte) was around $450.  
And everything looked great - almost (but not!) too good to be true.


[] On Behalf Of Peter Morgano
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 9:09 PM
Subject: Re: [RBW] Re: Color Question from an Indecisive Person

I looked into PC, it seems like alot is in the prep, which you unfortunately 
cannot really see unless you are watching the guy and know what you are looking 
at, alot of acid baths and undercoatings that go unmentioned usually. I think 
the epoxy primers most paint shops use nowadays are superior at blocking 
moisture from getting to the raw steel and are therefore a bit more forgiving 
than an ok powder coat. Plus it seems like the cost of PC has gone up 
everywhere. Bruce quoted me less thann $200 for the whole job which is what my 
local guy was gonna charge me to powder coat. Shame sometimes I dont own a car 
since I am gonna have to ship it 2 1/2 hours away to NJ, but with the cost of 
gas to get there and back maybe coming out even in the end.
On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 9:01 PM, ted 
<<>> wrote:
> I do know I want something a little tougher and thought about powder coat
> but don't know....
I guess powder coat may be less scratch prone than paint but I gather
it's not as effective at preventing rust underneath it.
What have folks heard or experienced wrt two part polymer paints vs
powder coat?

On Jan 8, 4:56 pm, Kelly <<>> 
> On our Custom Bilenky tandem we told them painters choice.. I'm ok with
> it.. Dawn is kinda freaking out.
> I need to send my Bombadil in for a repaint.. I've scratched it up pretty
> good which is ok.. but the bike rack that ravaged my seat tube decal is
> annoying the hell out of me.    I'm thinking of going back to D&D for
> standard color repaint and decaling.. or is that just plain boring?
> I do know I want something a little tougher and thought about powder coat
> but don't know....
> Dawn has custom colors on her Atlantis and Roadeo, all of mine are stock
> colors... hmmm stock colors are so easy and I know what they are going to
> look like.. :)  Sheesh now you have me in a mindless circle jerk of
> thoughts and to think I thought I had my mind made up.
> Kelly
> On Tuesday, January 8, 2013 6:38:19 PM UTC-6, Colin B. wrote:
> > I'm in that camp. If I were to get a custom, I'd ask the builder to
> > pick the color.
> > On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 2:05 PM, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery
> > <<> <javascript:>> wrote:
> > > When I ordered my custom frame from Curt Goodrich, I asked Curt to pick
> > the
> > > color. He wasn't super comfortable with that idea.
> > > On Tuesday, January 8, 2013 12:59:42 PM UTC-6, Peter M wrote:
> > >> Hahaha, I am the opposite, where I cant give anyone an accurate
> > >> description. I would honestly prefer they just do whatever they want
> > and I
> > >> will love it, there is really no color that I don't like, outside of
> > neons.
> > >> Understandably, most shops are not comfortable with that arrangement
> > for
> > >> obvious reasons.  Oh the life of a chronically indecisive person, the
> > frame
> > >> has been sitting next to my bed this long while I waxed and waned about
> > >> where to just send the damn thing.
> > >> On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 1:55 PM, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery
> > >> <<>> wrote:
> > >>> I have no color advice, but I was reminded of a phone conversation I
> > >>> overheard years ago when I worked at another shop. A jaded mechanic
> > was on
> > >>> the phone for a long time with an apparently neurotic customer, who
> > was
> > >>> asking for a verbal description of a color of something or another...
> > All I
> > >>> really remember was the mechanic doing a perfect deadpan as he said:
> > "It's
> > >>> sorta halfway between asinine and muted puce."
> > >>> --
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