When I ordered my custom frame from Curt Goodrich, I asked Curt to pick the 
color. He wasn't super comfortable with that idea.

On Tuesday, January 8, 2013 12:59:42 PM UTC-6, Peter M wrote:
> Hahaha, I am the opposite, where I cant give anyone an accurate 
> description. I would honestly prefer they just do whatever they want and I 
> will love it, there is really no color that I don't like, outside of neons. 
> Understandably, most shops are not comfortable with that arrangement for 
> obvious reasons.  Oh the life of a chronically indecisive person, the frame 
> has been sitting next to my bed this long while I waxed and waned about 
> where to just send the damn thing. 
> On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 1:55 PM, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery <
> thil...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote:
>> I have no color advice, but I was reminded of a phone conversation I 
>> overheard years ago when I worked at another shop. A jaded mechanic was on 
>> the phone for a long time with an apparently neurotic customer, who was 
>> asking for a verbal description of a color of something or another... All I 
>> really remember was the mechanic doing a perfect deadpan as he said: "It's 
>> sorta halfway between asinine and muted puce."
>> -- 
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