It does put a huge burden on the builder, I think.  It's easier if you
have to choose from a restricted range of choices, especially if the
builder has chosen several that he thinks work particularly well with
that type of bike.  "Sky is the limit" really doesn't work, as not all
colors or schemes work with all types of bikes.  

In the case of Rivendells, it seems to me practically all their colors
harmonize with and reflect the sort of color schemes you see in photos
of where they ride on Diablo, and to me it's part of the Rivendell

There are plenty of colors that would look great on a Kirk, Richard
Sachs or a Peter Weigle that would just plain look wrong on a Rivendell.

On Tue, 2013-01-08 at 19:38 -0500, Colin Bortner wrote:
> I'm in that camp. If I were to get a custom, I'd ask the builder to
> pick the color.
> On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 2:05 PM, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery
> <> wrote:
> > When I ordered my custom frame from Curt Goodrich, I asked Curt to pick the
> > color. He wasn't super comfortable with that idea.
> >

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