I would say pick a bike for each purpose and sell the duplicate/remainder. 
I recently went through a similar purge and ended up w/ the following:

Salsa La Cruz w/ Dyno hub, lights and rack to pull my daughters Burley 
Piccolo. This bike is also the dedicated commuter.
AHH for longer,rides etc.
Vintage Trek 710 w/ full Campy NR (keep a classic around)
Salsa El Mariachi 29'er mountain bike
Burley 26" Tandem for rides  w/ my son.

I got down from 9 bikes. The truth is that you really only need one and 
everything else is just preference. In my mind any bike can be a "city" 
bike or a "commuter" bike. It just depends on what you want to do and how 
you want to do it.

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