I have had a table at the chronometro swap since 2006, but decided to skip it 
this year. Maybe because I'm not local, I always felt it was difficult 
convincing people there that I wasn't trying to scam them. And there were a lot 
of gawkers who pawed through my stuff and offered lots of critiques (same guys 
every year) but never spent a nickel. From the perspective of a shopper, it is 
probably more favorable.

One favorite story from that swap: I had a new-in-box 70s vintage campy BB on 
my table. A very rotund, sloppy-looking dude with a fanny-pack and a satin 
jacket with some tavern name embroidered on it got visibly excited when he saw 
it and asked my permission to open the box. No problem. After removing the BB 
spindle and cups and gazing longingly at them for about 10 long seconds, he 
carefully lifted the unit to his nose, and inhaled deeply, as if he was a wine 
connoisseur or something. Not knowing what to make of the situation, I quipped 
"it still has that new bottom bracket smell" with what I hoped was a disarming 
smile. He then got upset with me, and loudly and emphatically said "NO! IT'S A 
CAMPY SMELL!" He then put the BB back in the table, gave me a dirty look, and 
stomped away. I don't get a lot of sniffers in my line of work, but when they 
do sniff, I know they mean business.

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