I bought a Grant-designed, Curt Goodrich-built, Joe Bell-painted
custom, road standard in 2001 and it remains just a fantastic road
bike. I am a normal enough body shape that I did not need a custom.
But what I got for the money and wait, ware dimensions and a tubing
set chosen for me and my riding style by Grant and built & painted by
excellent US craftsmen. The custom rides subtly, yet distinctly,
different and better than my 1996 AllRounder and  Quickbeam. But my
Legolas rivals the custom in overall ride quality plus has extra
clearance for larger tires.

Like Scotty, I too chose an LHT instead of an Atlantis, as their
geometries were nearly identical. Both bikes are great work bikes, but
doggish, not-fun performance bikes (my opinion of course). From these
experiences I have concluded that production frames have to be built
with safe, heavier tubes that will not work well with everyone
especially lighter or less-strong riders.

>From my experience, a Grant-designed custom is beyond a production
bike's performance and worth consideration if you want that extra
something that is hard to define but not difficult to experience.
Exceptions to this may be the Roadeo and Legolas if they fit you well.

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