I think you are buying a Riv frame because of it's ride. Grant even says 
that if you absolutley need a custom they will design it for you using a 
custom frame builder. Nobillette,Waterford (present),Goodrich, Stark 
(past) I own a 58cm 650b Saluki Toyo and a 52cm Waterford Bombadil and can't 
imagine a custom Riv is going to ride any better. I did notice a 
big improvement in the Saluki's handling going from a budget wheelst to a 
handbuilt wheelset using Phil hubs. Rivendell is famous mostly for the 
frames ride quality. You would be better off spending more on upgrades of 
components than to invest heavy on a custom. I like the Jitensha studios 
bikes but have never been able to test ride one. Then again I never rode a 
Rivendell before buying one. I trusted a friends opinion and bought 
one,then 2 then 3,then 4. I've narrowed it down to 2 bikes for the type of 
riding I do in my neck of the woods. It took me a little time but no other 
company offers a complete line of frames to cover the many differnt ways one 
can use a bike. And to do it so well from one model to another.. Many have 
said that the most important compnents of a bike are: Frame,wheelset,tires. 
That is true for me Rivendell has a very loyal following for a reason.    
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