I think Rivendell ownership generally works like this: If you didn't get a 
custom first, you probably won't. I think it is more likely that someone who 
has already invested big dollars in a custom will later pop for a less 
expensive production "second Rivendell", than a production first-timer will 
"move up" to a custom. This is for the reason I originally stated..once 
you've got a gorgeous Atlantis/Hunqapillar/Sam, etc. sitting in the living 
room, I think it would be hard to believe a custom would be "way better".
Those production owners are more likely to be drawn to a completely 
different experience from a builder who *only* does customs. An A.N.T bike 
with dedicated racks and a Rohloff hub, for example. 
Joe "yes, I want a Hunqapillar and an A.N.T. with dedicated racks and a 
Rohloff" Bernard
Fairfield, CA.

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