Pretty sure Bob Brown moved to Wisconsin, although he is still
building bikes.

As to being "disloyal" will be painted guilty.  Sold my Atlantis,
which was too small, and almost sold my Hillborne.  Both in cases of
"want".  Purchased a Surly Cross Check this year because I wanted a
bike that could be either multi-geared or single speed for commuting,
riding around, mood, whatever.  Thing is, that particular model of
bicycle just works for my riding style.  Shorter chainstays? higher
bottom bracket? who knows, but it goes where I want to and doesn't
seem to mind what I've done to it.  Should also be a fine winter bike.

The other replacement is a Surly LHT in 58cm with 26" wheels.  Liked
Grant's idea of an old mountain bike for general or even touring use,
but really wanted something similar to the Atlantis.  And for winter
it easily handles 1.75" wide studded tires.  Yes, the Atlantis could
have, but not sure I'da been comfortable with it in that role.

And now that the Surly is in single speed mode, am starting to get a
serious case of the Iwants for a SimpleOne.  Just have to figure out
how to pay for it to make it happen.

Eric Platt
St. Paul, MN

On Jul 22, 1:37 pm, cyclotourist <> wrote:
> Give Bilenkey or Royal H a call.  Those are two East Coast builders that pop
> into mind.  Bob Brown is in MPLS.  MAP or Ahearne or another of the PDX
> builders.  Heck, Nobilette might as well.  Drop 'em an email saying what you
> want to do and find one that seems kinda' excited about it.
> On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 11:23 AM, Seth Vidal <> wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 2:19 PM, cyclotourist <>
> > wrote:
> > > Seth, you could get a custom fork made for a lot less to check out the
> > low
> > > trail thing.
> > > Could be a fun experiment!
> > From where? By Whom? I'm completely made of ears if someone has a
> > suggestion.
> > -sv
> > --
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> --
> Cheers,
> David
> Redlands, CA
> * terms of recreational cycling there are many riders who would
> probably benefit more from
> improving their taste than from improving their performance.* - RTMS- Hide 
> quoted text -
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