I'm 25 and I only ride Moustache bars, and would bet Albatross's would
be heavenly for me as well. Noodles came with my Quickbeam and I
abhorred the whole crouched over, knees-in-the-chest speedy position.
I tend to ride longer & more joyfully when I'm not hating life for the
sake of an aerodynamic advantage. As I think Sheldon said re:
singlespeed touring, but the same applies, "why be in a hurry to get
somewhere on a bike"?
The Rivendell fit approach has really transformed my relationship with
cycling to blissed out love in the 2+ years I've caught on. From
healthful, fun activity to viable means of transportation & spiritual
vehicle, if I dare...

On Jun 6, 9:16 pm, Bertin753 <bertin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Jim -- I look at nice, tight, shallow bend on the "PRallels"
> On Jun 6, 2011, at 7:10 PM, Jim Cloud <cloud...@aol.com> wrote:
> > Patrick,
> > I think the Grand Bois Maes Parallel type bars look quite nice.  Peter
> > Weigle used them on his "Black Tie" bike that was featured in BQ.
> > Here's a link to Weigle's Photostream of that bike:
> >http://www.flickr.com/photos/49353569@N00/sets/72157625305683679/with...
> > Still it begs the question, why would you want to replace the Nitto
> > Mod. 185 bars on your Riv customs?  I think the Mod 185 is one of the
> > nicest bars I've used.  Just thinking...
> > Jim Cloud
> > Tucson, AZ
> > On Jun 6, 6:01 pm, PATRICK MOORE <bertin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Has anyone tried these or the functional equivalents?
> >>http://www.compasscycle.com/images/MaesPara800.jpg
> >> (From Compass Bicycles:http://www.compasscycle.com/Handlebars.html)
> >> Copies of these, 
> >> apparently:http://www.bikequarterly.com/images/Hersefixed.jpg
> >> Me, Ahm 'a thinkin' that they may well do very nicely as replacements
> >> for the Nitto 185s on the 8 cm Nitto stems on my two low-bar Riv
> >> customs.
> >> On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 6:55 PM, Bill M. <bmenn...@comcast.net> wrote:
> >>> 52 years young here, and for me drops are the only comfortable long-
> >>> distance option.  I do have and like the Noodles, but I find that the
> >>> modern 'compact' or 'short-n-shallow' shaped bars have some
> >>> advantages.  The short drop makes the drop position easier to reach
> >>> without the raising tops so high that standing to climb feels
> >>> ungainly.  The short reach seems to me more appropriate when using
> >>> modern brake levers.  Long reach bars were designed for non-aero brake
> >>> levers.  Modern brake levers (be they brifters or Tektro or SRAM aero
> >>> levers) allow a hand position that's a couple of cm further forward
> >>> than did non-aero or even early aero levers.  The shorter reach of the
> >>> compact bars compensates for that extra reach.
> >>> I use a 3T Ergosum bar on my go-fast (with Campy brifters) and find
> >>> its very comfortable whether on the hoods, the ramps, the hooks or the
> >>> drops.  Unfortunately it's only available in black and 31.8.  Ritchie
> >>> now makes a bar called the Classic Curve that looks similar, same
> >>> drop, a bit less reach, still 31.8 but polished silver.  It should
> >>> look OK with a silver VO stem and a threadless adapter.
> >>> I have another bike with a Salsa Woodchipper off-road drop bar.  It's
> >>> very short reach, very short drop, very wide and very flared in the
> >>> drops.  It looks a bit awkward and makes parking the bike harder, but
> >>> once rolling I find it's pretty comfortable.
> >>> the Noodles are on my Riv, but with a shorter stem than I used to
> >>> ride.  Even with the tops at saddle height the drops feel low and the
> >>> hoods far away.  I'm tempted to try the Classic Curve on that bike.
> >>> I'm already using a threadless stem and adapter so the swap would be
> >>> easy.  And the threadless + adapter combo is actually lighter than the
> >>> Technomic Deluxe it replaced.
> >>> Bill
> >>> I really recommend you try a compact or short-n-shallow bar before you
> >>> write off drops.  Grinding into a headwind on North Roads just isn't a
> >>> lot of fun.
> >>> On Jun 6, 8:55 am, canali <jwcoll...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >>>> just wondering if it's just me and i need to take my time adding the
> >>>> mileage and being consistent  and patient (and getting back into
> >>>> shape)
> >>>> OR do alot of us as we get older no longer find being so bent down as
> >>>> comfortable...thinking of swapping out drops on atlantis for jeff
> >>>> jones h loop bars or the north road bars.
> >>> --
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> >>> athttp://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.
> >> --
> >> Patrick Moore
> >> Albuquerque, NM
> >> For professional resumes, contact
> >> Patrick Moore, ACRW
> >> patrickmo...@resumespecialties.com
> >> A billion stars go spinning through the night
> >> Blazing high above your head;
> >> But in you is the Presence that will be
> >> When all the stars are dead.
> >> (Rilke, Buddha in Glory)
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