"Personally, my next bike will be a 650B with 42mm Hetres (the AHH
can't fit Hetres, and for me personally, a 650B bike that can't fit
Hetres doesn't make sense). "



On Jan 28, 2:12 am, Earl Grey <earlg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Personally, my next bike will be a 650B with 42mm Hetres (the AHH
> can't fit Hetres, and for me personally, a 650B bike that can't fit
> Hetres doesn't make sense).
> Living in Asia, I chose the 56cm Hillborne over the 52 partly because
> it has 700C wheels. But the only 700C rims available here in Thailand
> are cheap Alex racing rims, or 20 spoke wonder wheels. I actually had
> 2 rims destroyed here in 2 years, and the best I could do was NOS neon
> yellow anodized Mavic Open Pros shipped up from Bangkok with a multi-
> day wait. In other words, for the types of rims we like and use, they
> won't be available in Russia or Timbuktu in either 700C or 650B.
> Though in an emergency, a skinny, not-appropriate-for-touring 700C rim
> can probably be found, while a 650B rim will not (former French
> colonies excepted). So I just bring back rims from the States, or get
> friends to bring them. Now I wonder if I should have picked the 52cm
> Sam (though the 56cm is probably a better fit, being only a tiny bit
> too big, and my other bike is too small), because I think Hetres are
> ideal for the mixed surface riding I love. Btw, judging from growing
> up 200 miles from Berlin, there are probably plenty of sometimes sandy
> dirt roads ("Feldwege") around Berlin, so you may still want the
> widest tires you can fit.
> I bet you can get either the 55 or the 56 to fit you perfectly, and
> without trying them out, there is no way of knowing which would be
> more nearly perfect. If you want fast supple wide tires (35-45mm),
> 650B is the way to go. but for me the best of the bunch is the Hetre,
> and it don't fit the AHH, so even tire choice is a wash. I assume the
> 650B SOMA is as good as a Pasela (I believe it IS a Pasela), so no
> difference there (I like my 35mm Paselas, which measure closer to 37mm
> on Synergy rims). The 650B Pacenti Pari Moto 38mm has no equivalent in
> 700C, but it is a very thin tire designed specifically for
> competition, and thus may not be the right tire for you (expensive and
> doesn't last very long). If you have no desire to run the Pari Moto,
> then 650B has little advantage on an AHH.
> So, bottom line, go with the 700C for peace of mind, but don't fool
> yourself into easy parts availability worldwide, especially if you are
> getting 36 hole rims. The only rims that are reasonably available
> worldwide are *32* hole 26" rims. I had to order a 36 hole 26" rim for
> my tandem from the UK. Nothing available in 36 holes in Thailand, not
> even in Bangkok.
> Cheers,
> Gernot
> On Jan 27, 1:03 pm, Fai Mao <i.am.fai....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Vietnam was a French colony and the 650B is a French size so I can see how
> > that would be especially since bikes are never thrown away in rural Asia.
> > Hong Kong and China were never French. Also Hong Kong is a place where
> > people look for the latest techno-glitzyness-gadgety stuff. 650B doesn't fit
> > that image. One of the nicer bike shops refused to work on my Sam because it
> > wasn't a carbon-fibre-dura-ace-indexed-sub 9.5kg-ego-raising-racer-wanna-be
> > machine. They didn't have parts that would fit it and saw no reason to order
> > them for me. Another one asked if the bike more than 30 years old; but he
> > was admiring it. The only shop that will ork with me here is Flying ball and
> > they are too far away from where I live and work. It is just easier to order
> > tires online and have them mailed. Wheels are problematic because they cost
> > a lot to ship.
> > When I went to Shanghai last summer I was really worried about tires and
> > wheels. I kind of wish I had the non-cantilever version Sam because then I
> > might be able to run either 650B-650C or 700c on the frame given the
> > clearance by simply changing out a caliper. Being able to do that would make
> > the bike really versatile but the bosses get in the way of that on the frame
> > I have now.
> > Idiot that I am I didn't think that tire size would be an issue here before
> > I bought the frame
> > On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 12:55 PM, Lee <leec...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hey Fai, I was surprised to find a lot of 650B when I was in Hanoi:
> > >http://tinyurl.com/4p2785t
> > > Nicole: I think a wider tire would help calm down the twitchy
> > > handling.
> > > Best,
> > > Lee
> > > San Francisco, CA
> > > On Jan 26, 3:50 pm, Fai Mao <i.am.fai....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > I don't know about Russia. I do know that you can't buy 650b tires in
> > > Asia
> > > > unless you have them imported yourself.  If I had it to do over again 
> > > > I'd
> > > > have upped my Sam Hillborne by a size to get the 700c wheel
> > > --
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> > --
> > Fai Mao
> > The Blogger who sometimes responds to comments

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