yes, that Roadeo is very nicely done. My size too... can you box it up
and send it to California?  ;-}
One of the problems I've found with the 50-34 compacts is that I
really like riding in a 39 or 40 ring most of the time on a roadish
bike. The solution for me is a 50-40-28 (Camp) with an 11-30 cassette.
Most of the time I'm using the 40... but those 2 mile climbs in the
mountains at the end of the day.. that 28 is awful nice.


On Sep 12, 3:23 pm, Bob Cooper <> wrote:
> Dave,
> That is one gorgeous bike. Thanks to Grant for designing it, and
> thanks to you for posting the photos.
> This tread also includes comments about bike weight. I noticed earlier
> today on the Waterford site -- where they have scans of historic
> Schwinn brochures -- that my 1961 Schwinn American weighed fifty
> pounds. I didn’t notice, at the time.
> It had one speed.
> Yesterday, I did this ride
> on my 2000 Rivendell Road. As I went around a guy -- about the age of
> my son -- who was sitting in the road on a nasty 23-percent grade, I
> thought of my 30/24 low that I was using.
> I was dripping with sweat. 70-degree afternoon. I went by him at a
> walking pace, and we had a nice conversation. I didn’t stop. I
> couldn’t stop, because the hill was too steep to stop and get going
> again.
> Just for some perspective: My buddy just got back from the Alps where
> he did 18-percent grades.
> Regards,
> Bob “There Is No Gear That’s Too Low” Cooper

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