The wisest amongst us yearn instead for conspicuous minimalist

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 2:04 PM, bfd <> wrote:

> I don't get it what's with all the randonneur worshipping? I know
> people here consider "racing" to be a bad word as it represents all
> that is supposedly wrong with bicycling. Yet, randonneur is consider
> good?!
> What I don't understand is both racing and randonneuring require
> massive amount of time, commitment and training.  You can't do either
> well without putting in the time.
> Further, it also appears to require bikes that can be costly. *True*
> racing bikes can cost in excess of $5K to 10K or more, i.e., think top
> of the line Trek Madone, Specialized S-Work Tarmac or even something
> like a Pegoretti Love #3...OK, the last is suppose to be a joke as I
> know there's a bunch of controversy about it :_P. Similarly, a *true*
> rando bike can be just as costly, especially if you ache for something
> French like a Herse or Singer.

Patrick Moore
Albuquerque, NM
For professional resumes, contact
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