Thanks for those recipes!!

I agree that it can definitely be liberating to cook simply sometimes - and
sometimes those recipes are the best. Sounds like these are some
time-honored favorites.

Would love the electrolyte powder recipe too if you get a moment! Agreed
that a lot of the pre-made ones are pretty trash. I currently use one with
stevia in it (which was the least trash I could find) but it would be nice
to have one that's not so sweet


On Mon, Jan 13, 2025 at 8:32 AM MoVelo <> wrote:

> Thanks Coco. I know some list members might think this to be off topic but
> to my way of thinking anything that makes cycling more enjoyable is
> on-topic.
> So I have a couple of recipes that have become our favorites. Both are
> air-fryer but I suspect could be baked in the oven but might take longer.
> Our air fryer was a present and my assumption at the time was that it would
> either be a dust collector occupying valuable counter space or a ‘regift’.
> Boy was I wrong about that. We love our air fryer and use it almost daily.
> So these two recipes came from the little recipe book that came with our
> air fryer. We liked it some much we had it reproduced and gave it as
> Christmas presents one year.
> *Roasted Garlic & Herb Chicken*
> Prep time: 35 min
> Cook time: 20min
> 4 Chicken thighs which we get from Costco bone in with skin. They are
> super cheap since everyone seems to be either obsessed with wings or
> wanting boneless/skinless/tasteless parts.
> Sprinkle to taste with Garlic Powder, Salt, Pepper and Herb de Provence.
> Comments: The original recipe called for olive oil which I eliminated due
> to the amount of skin included and the spices seem to cling well to the
> un-oiled meat.
> *Carolina Style Pork Chops*
> Prep time: 5min
> Cook time: 10min
> 2 bone-in pork chops
> Coat in mustard. I use dijon but yellow french’s works.
> Sprinkle to taste with smoked paprika, salt, pepper and powdered garlic.
> I make my own smoked pepper powder which I liberally apply, YMMV
> Allow that chops to rest for 5mins.
> Bon appetite
> The chicken thighs are great cycling ‘snacks’ or lunch, since once cooked
> they can be kept for quite a while without refrigeration.
> These recipes seem so simple to me now that I am writing them out, but one
> of the huge benefits of the diet we are now on is how liberating it is in
> it’s simplicity yet allowing us to better appreciate the taste of the meat
> itself.
> I make my own electrolyte powder too but don’t have the specific recipe
> readily at hand, and can write another post on that at a later date if
> anyone is interested. I’ve tried most of the ready made varieties but they
> all seemed to contain way more sugar in one form or another than is really
> necessary, plus most have other ingredients of dubious benefit.
> On Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 10:35:39 AM UTC-6 wrote:
>> Thanks for your thoughts James!
>> These are exactly the types of stories I was hoping to include in this
>> cookbook. Most Riv Riders are so independent-minded that it's nice to hear
>> what everyone's perspectives are regarding food. Food is so personal and so
>> many of us try so many things to get to a place where our bodies feel good.
>> Agreed on the difficulty of quitting bread! That one was a tough one for
>> me too.
>> Would love if you would share some of the recipes you mentioned
>> C
>> On Wed, Jan 8, 2025 at 12:52 PM MoVelo <> wrote:
> Coco, et al:
>>> Glad you bumped this as I managed to miss it earlier.
>>> I have read Grant's Eat Bacon and Don't Jog as it appealed to my
>>> laziness and love of Bacon. Enjoyed it immensely, and I've been on a health
>>> journey for a number of years now. Started on 'Wheat Belly' diet as my wife
>>> was diagnosed pre-crones and we thought we'd experiment on ourselves
>>> eliminating bread. We were both hugely addicted to wheat to the extent we
>>> found a artisanal bakery that baked the most delish sourdough. Every
>>> Saturday we'd hop on our bikes at the crack of dawn to make the run to the
>>> bakery to buy enough to get us thru the week. This was a cash only business
>>> that opened one day a week at 5am and sold out by 10am. Crack dealers wish
>>> they had it so good.
>>> Giving up bread was about as hard at quiting smoking. Ask me how I know.
>>> Two years ago, whilst searching these archives for information on the
>>> Rive Rambouillet I came across Grant's interview of Mark Sisson. What he
>>> had to say resonated and led us to try eliminating almost all carbs. Pasta,
>>> potatoes, most veggies. The only veggies we now consume are fermented. My
>>> wife never really got along with alcohol and I quit several years ago. I
>>> see a new study implicates it in cancer cause.
>>> Our one carb addiction we have not been able to shake just yet is Hagan
>>> Daz. 75g of carbs brought to us by sugar. Sugar is highly addictive proven
>>> by the fact that lab rats prefer it over cocaine.
>>> So our diet consists of meat (preferably rib eye steaks), fermented
>>> veggies and ice cream.
>>> Both of us have lost considerable weight and are near our targets.
>>> We both love to cook and so occasionally we'll treat ourselves to
>>> something complicated like pumpkin pie, but honestly neither of us miss the
>>> hassle of side dishes or complicated recipes.
>>> I have recipes for kimchi, air fryer pork chops and chicken but to most
>>> people it might be boring.
>>> The addiction to carbs is far stronger than alcohol and smoking, imho.
>>> Ask me why I believe that.
>>> The best part of this story and maybe the part most relevant to this
>>> group is my lack of the need for snacks. Our bodies burn fat better and
>>> more efficiently than carbs/sugar. Our bodies convert carbs to sugar so I
>>> use the two interchangeably here. Both are addictive and quite unnecessary
>>> as fuel. Fat and protein are far more efficient.
>>> I have discovered that I don't required snacks even on rides over 60
>>> miles. I used to not be able to ride 10 miles without eating a snack. I
>>> would start bonking at about 8 miles. It has been liberating to not have to
>>> worry about having that candy bar tucked somewhere for the inevitable
>>> hunger. I am fully adapted to burning fat and ketone, and I love it.
>>> I have spent years researching diet and health. I am enrolled now in
>>> Sisson's Primal Health Coaching School and will receive a health coach
>>> certificate soon.
>>> So the best recipe I could offer at this point is for you to adopt a
>>> keto/carnivore diet and then not have to worry about recipes for on bike
>>> snacks.
>>> If you have made it this far thank you for letting me vent a little.
>>> If anyone is remotely interested in any of this journey please dm me.
>>> Thanks
>>> James Poulson
>>> at the edge of the Ozarks
>>> On Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 8:47:35 AM UTC-6 wrote:
>>>> This sounds super cool! Would love to read some of these.
>>>> Franco Rinaldi
>>>> c:  646.403.0661 <(646)%20403-0661>
>>>> -Pardon any typos, Siri typed this message-
>>>> On Jan 7, 2025, at 9:27 AM, Coco Menk <> wrote:
>>>> Hey all! Hope everyone is having a great start to 2025.
>>>> Bumping this thread - have made some progress in starting to format the
>>>> zine/pdf! If anyone else wants to contribute any recipes please feel free!
>>>> I'll re-post the original prompt for reference:
>>>> *1) How many of you all have read Grant's Eat Bacon, Don't Jog? Anyone
>>>> subscribe to his food ideas or any other "alternative" diets? Cyclists tend
>>>> to be pretty health-conscious and independent minded, just curious what
>>>> kinds of ideas people are jiving with these days. Vegan? No-carb? 100-mile
>>>> diet? Anything goes? I love hearing about what works for people. I know
>>>> Grant's book has definitely informed my own choices a bit, specifically in
>>>> regards to processed sugar and carbs and simpler forms of exercise. (Not
>>>> looking to sh** on which diet is working or not working for anyone at this
>>>> time! Save that for a different thread)*
>>>> *2) I'd love to compile a collection of favorite recipes! What do you
>>>> make for yourselves/your families? What's your favorite sandwich you bring
>>>> on your bike rides? Any bike tour go-to's?*
>>>> I have about 15 recipes so far. Would love to compile it into a PDF
>>>> that folks can print at home
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Coco
>>>> On Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 10:37:50 PM UTC-7 Coco Menk wrote:
>>>>> Brendon - that one is on my list for sure! Familiar with a lot of the
>>>>> current politics surrounding UPFs but haven't gotten around to reading it
>>>>> yet. What was your biggest takeaway?
>>>>> For anyone else interested in learning more abour those issues and/or
>>>>> MORE ennui surrounding the horrors of the American Food System and
>>>>> Agribusiness Robber Barons check out:
>>>>> Marion Nestle's blog Food Politics (she is unrelated to Nestle of
>>>>> Nesquick fame)
>>>>> Food Fix weekly newsletter specifically about food politics journalism
>>>>> in the US, lots of baby formula and school lunch and SNAP policy updates 
>>>>> if
>>>>> you REALLY want some angst
>>>>> Eric Schlosser, Fast Food Nation. Pretty much nothing has changed, its
>>>>> only gotten worse
>>>>> Coco
>>>>> On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 7:33 PM brendonoid <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Everyone in this thread should please read *Ultra-Processed People*
>>>>>> by Chris van Tulleken. It is the only food/diet book anyone really needs 
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> read.
>>>>>> You'll never have to worry about extreme or fad diets ever again.
>>>>>> Prepare for extreme ennui about everything you have tried up to the point
>>>>>> you read this book.
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