RH lists the following for the Babyshoe Pass
   - Actual width on 20 mm rim (internal): approx. 40 mm
   - Actual width on 23 mm rim (internal): approx. 41 mm

Your measurement of 38mm on 17mm internal seems in line.

My experience with RH tires (Fleecer Ridge, Juniper Ridge, Rat Trap Pass) 
has also been in line with the guidance.


On Friday, December 13, 2024 at 1:25:34 PM UTC-5 Oliver Moss wrote:

> Hey Bob, interesting thanks for all this great info. I don't inflate them 
> up very high at all, so maybe what they need is to be pressurized that high 
> for a bit to get to break in. 
> As I said in my first post, I love the ride and have no issues at all with 
> the tires, just found in interesting when I noticed that they were all 
> skinnier than I thought they'd be. 
> On Friday, December 13, 2024 at 12:24:53 PM UTC-5 rcook...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Oliver,
>> My experience with RH tires on four bikes (three of which I currently 
>> own) differs.
>>    - Homer, Velocity Dyad rims (18.6 mm inner width, according to 
>>    Velocity's website): Barlow Pass measured 38 mm. I no longer have this 
>>    lovely bike.
>>    - Bantam custom: Pacenti Brevet rims: Babyshoe Pass measure 42 mm.
>>    - Riv All Rounder, Velocity Cliffhanger rims (25 mm inner width): 
>>    Humptulips Ridge, endurance casing, measure 54 mm.
>>    - Surly LHT, Alex Adventurer rims (18.7 mm inner width, according to 
>>    FreeSpoke): Rat Trap Pass, endurance casing, measure 52 mm.
>> Measurements done with the same analog caliper.
>> In each case (well, I *think* this is what I did with my Homer back in 
>> 2016), I mounted the tires on the rims, inflated to the stated maximum 
>> pressure, and left them for a couple days.
>> --
>> Bob
>> On Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 10:34:26 PM UTC-7 Oliver Moss wrote:
>>> I've picked up a few different widths of RH 650b tires used and noticed 
>>> that they are consistently under the listed width by about 3-5mm. On the RH 
>>> website they list the approximate "actual" width with certain given rim 
>>> IDs, and I've noticed the ones I've gotten to be under.
>>> The two rim IDs i've used are 17mm and 21.6mm
>>> As an example, I'm running a set of Babyshoe Pass 42s on 17mm ID and 
>>> they are measuring 38mm
>>> None of this is really too much of a deal as they are great tires and I 
>>> really enjoy riding on them, but I wondered what other's have noticed in 
>>> terms of actual width. Of course I know it all depends on the rim and 
>>> tire... ect. but it was something I noticed and thought I'd ask if anyone 
>>> else had the same experience.
>>> Cheers,
>>> ~Oliver

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